Where Pinocchio (Pino for friends) realizes that
his good friends, "il Gatto e la Volpe" (the Cat and the Fox),
are not very good friends. But what is friendship after all?
In the Beginner level, you meet Pino and his friends, and you
start to get involved with the Italian language and culture.
You learn how to greet someone, introduce your self
or your family, express opinions, describe objects, places
or situations, order at the restaurant, prepare a famous
Italian dessert (Tiramisù), ask for directions,
make a phone call, book a hotel room, go shopping, use
the simple past, sing in Italian and much more!
What is
Pinocchio doing on CyberItalian?
- Lesson 4 Cosa Preferisci?

(What do you prefer?)
Learn to express preferences, ask questions and answer in a negative way. Present indicative of regular verbs; interrogative sentences; negative sentences; irregular verbs: "Preferire, Capire, Piacere".
Adjectives and verbs - listen,write
Trucchi per imparare i verbi (Tricks to learn verbs) - read,test
I like, I don't like (verbs) - listen,play,test
Can you say "no" in Italian? (Negative sentences) - read,test
Il bar (essere, avere, and regular verbs) - read,test
Basic use of the verb Piacere (to like) - read,test
- Lesson 5 Conta e canta!

(Count and sing!)
Learn to count in Italian, say your age and
introduce your family. Numbers; possessive adjectives
and pronouns; double meanings and false friends.
Let's sing in Italian - sing
- Lesson 6 Al ristorante

(At the restaurant.)
Learn how to ask for something and order at the restaurant.
"Vorrei" and other forms of courtesy; position of the adjectives, form
of certain adjectives; "avere fame, avere sete"; irregular verbs: "Mangiare, Bere".
Let's cook together! (with puzzle) - cook,play
Three legends about Italian cuisine - cook,read
Il ristorante (verbi essere, avere, mangiare, bere) - read,test
A carnival recipe - cook,read