Tutored Courses
You like studying online but you need to have a tutor who guides you, corrects your work and meets you in audio-video group classes
You like studying online but you need to have a tutor who guides you, corrects your work and meets you in audio-video group classes
Learn Italian online with the guidance of an experienced and dedicated teacher, receive assignments and written homework corrections, receive personalized feedback, meet with your teacher in the audio-video group classes, take a final exam and obtain the CyberItalian Certificate of Participation.
Tutored Courses start every other Monday.
In this tutored course you learn how to greet someone, introduce yourself and your family, express opinions, say what you like and what you don't like, describe objects, places or situations, order at the restaurant, prepare a famous Italian dessert and other delicious Italian recipes, sing in Italian, watch Italian videos and much more.
This course is for students who have never studied Italian or students who need to brush up the basic language structures.
Upon successful completion of the Beginner 1 course you should be able to "...recognise familiar words and very basic phrases when people speak slowly and clearly... use simple phrases and sentences to describe where you live and people you know... interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech and help you formulate what you are trying to say... ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics" (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
In this tutored course you review, practice and reinforce how to express opinions, say what you like and what you don't like, describe objects, places or situations, ask for directions, make a phone call, go shopping, use the simple past, sing in Italian, watch Italian videos and much more.
review the basic structures of the Beginner 1 level.
This course is for students who have completed the Beginner 1 Tutored Course, or who have already studied Italian and are ready to start at Beginner 2 level.
Upon successful completion of the Beginner 2 course you should be able to "...understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment)... communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities... use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms your family and other people, where you live, living conditions, your educational background and your present or most recent job..." (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
In this tutored course you get to know more of Italian culture and you become familiar with Italian topics such as Opera, Art, Cinema and others. You learn how to better express your opinions, understand more complex sentences, make comparisons, narrate a fact with different kinds of past, use the future, use pronouns, relate situations, read Italian newspapers, watch Italian videos and visit some recommended Italian websites.
This course is for students who have completed the Beginner 2 Tutored Course, or who have already studied Italian and are ready to start at the Intermediate 1 level.
Upon successful completion of the Intermediate 1 you should be able to "...understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. ... understand the main point of many radio or TV programs when the delivery is relatively slow and clear... deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. You can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events)... connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, your dreams, hopes and ambitions. Briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe your reactions" (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
In this tutored course you review, practice and reinforce how to better express your opinions, understand more complex sentences, use different kinds of past, write different kinds of letters, use the future, the conditional, the imperative, pronouns and idiomatic expressions, relate situations, read Italian newspapers, watch Italian videos and visit some recommended Italian websites.
This course is for students who have completed the Intermediate 1 Tutored Course, or who have already studied Italian and are ready to start at Intermediate 2 level.
Upon successful completion of the Intermediate 2 you should be able to "...understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar..." start to "understand most TV news and current affairs programs." start to "understand the majority of films in standard language... interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible and take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining your views... present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to your field of interest..." (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
In this tutored course you get to know more and more of Italian culture through authentic material. You learn how to write your resume in Italian, make hypothesis, refine and maintain the language using more complex structures (i.e. idiomatic expressions, verbs with pronouns, active/passive construction...), start handling discussions about theoretical topics, read articles and books in Italian, watch Italian videos, visit some recommended Italian websites.
This course is for students who have completed the Intermediate 2 Tutored Course, or who have already studied Italian and are ready to start at Advanced 1 level.
Upon successful completion of the Advanced 1 you should be able to "...understand television programs and films without too much effort... express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions, use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes, formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate your contribution skilfully to those of other speakers... present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion" (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
In this tutored course you review, practice or brush-up how to write your resume in Italian, make hypothesis, refine and maintain the language using more complex structures (i.e. subjunctive, direct/indirect construction...), handle discussions about theoretical topics, read books and newspapers in Italian, watch Italian videos, visit some recommended Italian websites, listen to the news in Italian.
This course is for students who have completed the Advanced 1 Tutored Course, or who have already studied Italian and are ready to start at Advanced 2 level.
Upon successful completion of the Advanced 2 you should be able to "...have no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided you have some time to get familiar with the accent... take part effortlessly in any conversation or discussion and have a good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. You can express yourself fluently and convey finer shades of meaning precisely... present a clear, smoothly-flowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an effective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember significant points" (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
Course levels | Beginner I, Beginner II, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, Advanced I, Advanced II |
Course duration | 8 weeks - practice from 6 to 10 hours per week; each level includes 6 self-study lessons, 4 assignments, 8 hours of audio-video group classes, final exam. Sessions available 24 hours a day, audio-video group class at fixed schedule. |
Dates | Courses start every other Monday |
Includes | 8 asynchronous sessions, assignments, written homework corrections and personalized feedback from the teacher |
Real-time audio-video classes with the teacher (50 minutes each) | |
Class Forum (to post written assignments and receive written corrections and feedback from the teacher) | |
Progress report with exercises and exams dates and scores, and written feedback from the teacher | |
Final Exam | |
FREE access to ALL CyberItalian self-study lessons (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced), Ask-the-Prof service, Pronunciation system, Voice Recorder, Speech Evaluation, Speech to Text Exercises, Learning Activities, Exam and Class Forum. | |
Certifications | Upon successful completion of a course, students will receive the CyberItalian Certificate of Participation.
Please note: 1. If you want to obtain a language proficiency certification officially recognized by the Italian government, you have to take the CELI exam (provided by the University of Foreigners of Perugia) or CILS exam (provided by the University of Foreigners of Siena). These exams can be taken in Italy (at the Universities for Foreigners of Perugia or Siena) or outside of Italy (at the Italian Cultural Institutes available in more than a hundred cities in different countries). Other universities are now offering other official certifications. 2. If you are a US undergraduate or graduate student and you need to receive certifications and transcripts, please know that at this time CyberItalian is not accredited and does not issue transcripts. |
Our teachers | CyberItalian professors and teachers are native Italian speakers, as well as highly qualified professionals dedicated to the promotion of the Italian language and culture. |
How does a Tutored Course work? | The first week of the course, you will receive instructions on how to access your online sessions (self-administered asynchronous sessions).
During each week of the course you will have a session to complete, with a self-administered activity or lesson. You will receive an email every Monday to remind you to access your session. Every other week - starting from week 2- you will have the real-time audio-video classes. The audio-video classes are optional (if you miss a class, it will not affect your course). If you wish, you can participate in all the audio-video group classes of your level (e.g. beginner classes are yellow in the Calendar), unless the teacher suggests otherwise (the teacher could ask a student to change levels if they need to reinforce their comprehension and speaking skills, or if they need to be in a faster paced class or other reasons). The audio/video classes are 50 minutes long. Please note, the Calendar reports your local time in a 24-hour format (provided that your computer is set to your local time). For example, the beginner class on Saturday is at 16 (4 pm) Italian time. If you need, click here to calculate the time in your zone. In the Class Forum, students post assignments and questions, receive answers and corrections, and interact with the teacher. The Class Forum is accessible anytime. Each student sees their personalized feedback from the teacher in their Progress Report. Please remember that for any doubts or questions during the course, you will be able to contact a teacher via Ask-the-Prof service. A real professional teacher will reply via email to your message, so you will never feel alone during your studies. With CyberItalian, Italy is just "a click of the mouse" away! |
Technical Requirements | Internet access - Recent browser (Google Chrome, Windows Edge, Firefox, etc.) - see details |
Do you want to access a Tutored Course?
Register now!Please note: Tutored Courses start every other Monday