

You are a very independent person. You wish to learn at your own pace, with a course that is not expensive but provides very high value

The richest set of Italian learning materials and resources

Whether you are a beginner student traveling to Italy, or you are an intermediate or advanced student looking to deepen your understanding and use of the language, with CyberItalian you will improve your comprehension, vocabulary, cultural knowledge, speaking, conversation, and most importantly your confidence to use Italian.

Our Self-Study Course includes 3 levels

Level 1: Beginner lessons

In this level you meet Pino and his friends, and you start to get involved with the Italian language and culture.
You learn how to greet someone, introduce your self, express opinions, describe objects, places or situations, order at the restaurant, ask for directions, make a phone call, book a hotel room, go shopping, use the simple past and much more. Take a FREE Beginner trial!

Level 1 full program

  • Lesson 1: Ciao Pino! Free trial Listen

    (Hello Pino!) Learn how to greet someone and introduce yourself. Subject pronouns; "Essere" (to be).


    • The puzzle of Italian regions play Free trial
    • Practice your pronunciation: greetings listen, test Free trial
  • Lesson 2: Chi sei? Listen

    (Who are you?) Learn to describe and give information about yourself. Feminine and masculine nouns and agreements; description (part 1): nouns and adjectives (plus c'è and ci sono); indefinite articles.


    • Practice your pronunciation: Italian words in other languages listen, test
    • What's in your fridge today? (c'è and ci sono) read, test
  • Lesson 3: Ecco la mia famiglia e i miei amici! Listen

    (Here are my family and my friends!) Learn to describe your family and your friends and to tell what your profession is. Nouns, adjectives, colors; description (part 2): singular/plural; definite articles; "Avere" (to have).


    • My friends and I (adjectives) listen, play
    • Avere o Essere? This is the question. (Verb Avere and nouns) read, test
  • Lesson 4: Cosa preferisci? Listen

    (What do you prefer?) Learn to express preferences, ask questions and answer in a negative way. Present indicative of regular verbs; interrogative sentences; negative sentences; irregular verbs: "Preferire, Capire, Piacere".


    • Trucchi per imparare i verbi (Tricks to learn verbs) read, test
    • I like, I don't like (verbs) listen, play, test
  • Lesson 5: Conta e canta Listen

    (Count and sing.) Learn to count in Italian, say your age and introduce your family. Numbers; possessive adjectives and pronouns; double meanings and false friends.


    • 5 tips on practicing with Italian songs sing, test
    • Can you say "no" in Italian? Negative sentences - part 1 read, test
  • Lesson 6: Al ristorante Listen

    (At the restaurant.) Learn how to ask for something and order at the restaurant. "Vorrei" and other forms of courtesy; position of the adjectives, form of certain adjectives; "avere fame, avere sete"; irregular verbs: "Mangiare, Bere".


    • Let's cook together! cook, play with puzzle
    • Difference between "mangiare" and "nutrirsi": nouns and verbs read, research
  • Lesson 7: Quando ci vediamo? Listen

    (When are we going to see each other?) Learn to make or postpone an appointment. Time, days, months; irregular verbs: "Dovere, Volere, Potere, Uscire, Venire"; weather.


    • Weather and seasons listen, play
    • Memorization techniques read, test
  • Lesson 8: Dov'è la scuola? Listen

    (Where is the school?) Learn to ask for and give directions, tell your address and say where you are from. Simple prepositions; irregular verbs: "Fare, Andare".


    • Our body: vocabulary and crossword puzzle play
    • Terrible prepositions: part 1 read, test
  • Lesson 9: Pronto? Chi parla? Listen

    (Hello, who's speaking?) Learn to make a phone call and give your phone number. Combined prepositions; irregular verbs: "Sapere, Conoscere, Dire, Dare, Stare".


    • Terrible prepositions: part 2 read, test
    • Telephone call play
  • Lesson 10: Hai fatto la spesa? Listen

    (Did you go grocery shopping?) Go shopping. Learn to report a fact happened in the past. "Participio passato" and "passato prossimo"; irregular verbs: "Pagare". Difference between grocery shopping and shopping.


    • Getting Dressed: vocabulary, anagram and crossword puzzle listen, play
    • Verbs: change words into actions test
  • Lesson 11: Viva le vacanze! Listen

    (Three cheers for vacations!) Learn to make a reservation (restaurant, hotel). "C'è, ci sono"; review of interrogative expressions; negative expressions.


    • Invite your friends to your home! read, cook
    • Verbs: present, PAST and future - passato prossimo play, test
  • Lesson 12: Buon viaggio! Listen

    (Have a good trip!) Pack the suitcase for a trip to Italy, work on your listening skills and review the basic structures of the Beginner level. Verbs; basic structure of a sentence; use of description; partitives. Listening development.


    • Anagrammi e altri esercizi play
    • A brief history of art read, test

Level 2: Intermediate lessons

In this level you follow Pino while he travels through Italy, meets with very famous Italian people (Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rossini, etc.) and ask them what friendship is.
You get to know more of Italian culture and you become familiar with Italian topics such as Opera, Art, Cinema and others. You learn how to express your opinions in a better way, understand more complex sentences, make comparisons, narrate a fact, write a letter, use the future and much more. Take a FREE Intermediate trial!

Level 2 full program

  • Lesson 1: Un viaggio in Italia Listen

    (A trip to Italy.) Pino decides to go on a journey through Italy. Practice how to use the dictionary and improve your listening skills. Review the basic structures of the Italian language and the verbs.


    • La geografia italiana read, test Free trial
    • Eccellenze italiane: il capitalismo umanistico read, watch
  • Lesson 2: Pino e Rossini a Milano Free trial Listen

    (Pino and Rossini in Milan.) Pino begins his journey through Italy. Get to know Milan, and Italian opera and music. Learn to express yourself with more complex sentences and make comparisons. "Se, che, perché"; comparative and superlative. Idiomatic expressions.


  • Lesson 3: Pino e Hugo Pratt a Venezia Listen

    (Pino and Pratt in Venice.) Get to know Venice and Italian comics. Learn to ask for assistance. Parts of the body. Reflexive verbs; irregular nouns; the partitive.


    • Italian comics read
    • Venezia research
  • Lesson 4: Pino e Fellini a Bologna Listen

    (Pino and Fellini in Bologna.) Get to know Bologna and Italian cinema. Learn to express doubt or make hypothesis. The future tense; direct object pronoun.


    • 10 tips on watching movies in Italian watch
    • Bologna research
  • Lesson 5: Pino e Leonardo a Firenze Listen

    (Pino and Leonardo in Florence.) Get to know Florence and Italian style. Learn to express pleasure, regret or make an apology. Indirect object pronoun; use of the verb "Piacere".


    • Italian fashion: 5 rules for dressing well watch, read
    • Firenze research
  • Lesson 6: Pino e Michelangelo a Roma Listen

    (Pino and Michelangelo in Rome.) Get to know Rome and Italian art. Learn to narrate and express disapproval. How to narrate (part 1): "imperfetto"; pronouns "ne" and "ci".


    • La gatta e l'imperfetto sing, test
    • Roma research
  • Lesson 7: Pino e Santa Scolastica sul Monte Maiella Listen

    (Pino and Saint Scolastica on Mount Maiella.) Get to know the Italian parks and the most common religion in Italy. Learn how to narrate and congratulate someone. Relative pronouns; pronouns after a preposition; how to narrate (part 2): "trapassato prossimo".


    • The feast of Saint Lucy read, test
    • Natural parks and reserves research
  • Lesson 8: Pino e Pulcinella a Napoli Listen

    (Pino and Pulcinella in Naples.) Get to know Naples and Italian theater. Learn to express preferences. The conditional (present and past conditional); special construction: conditional of "dovere, volere, potere" + infinitive. Idiomatic expressions.


    • Pulcinella and Italian theatre research
    • Napoli research
  • Lesson 9: Pino e Pirandello a Lipari Listen

    (Pino and Pirandello in Lipari.) Get to know Lipari and Italian literature. Learn to speak in a general and impersonal way and discover more idiomatic expressions. Indefinite adjectives and pronouns; impersonal construction.


    • Write your poem play
    • Isole Eolie research
  • Lesson 10: Pino e Eleonora d'Arborea a Tharros Listen

    (Pino and Eleonora d'Arborea in Tharros.) Get to know Tharros and Italian history. Learn to write a letter. Difference between written and spoken Italian. Learn to give commands and suggestions. Imperative.


    • A historical pasta read, cook
    • I misteri dell'archeologia: Tharros e la Sardegna research
  • Lesson 11: Pino e Cristoforo Colombo a San Fruttuoso Listen

    (Pino and Colombo in San Fruttuoso.) Get to know San Fruttuoso and Italian politics. Learn to make plans and reflect on fake news. Reciprocal construction; other particular constructions; special construction (stare + gerundio); adverbs.


    • Cristoforo Colombo, Italian politics and news research
    • San Fruttuoso e la Liguria research
  • Lesson 12: La vera amicizia Listen

    (True friendship.) Reflect on true friendship and review what you have learned so far in the Intermediate level. Use of pronouns; use of verbs.


    • The Italian anthem read, listen, sing
    • Buon Anniversario della Repubblica Italiana! read, listen, cook

Level 3: Advanced lessons

In this level you follow Pino while he meets many renowned Italians (Dante, Ferrari, Galileo, etc.) and asks them how to find a job and become happy, rich and famous.
You get to know more and more of the Italian culture through authentic material and you learn how to write your resume in Italian, make hypothesis, refine and maintain the language, use the subjunctive and much more. Take a FREE Advanced trial!

Level 3 full program

  • Lesson 1: Diventare ricchi e famosi Listen

    (To become rich and famous.) Pino is tired of being a poor boy. He wishes to be rich and famous. Reflect on wealth, fame and happiness, and review some Intermediate language structures. Pronouns; verbs.


    • ABC of Italian style read Free trial
    • Dare del LEI. Mariapia Fanna Roncoroni test, watch
  • Lesson 2: Pino cerca lavoro e ne parla con Dante Free trial Listen

    (Pino looks for a job and talks about it with Dante.) Get to know the famous poet Dante and the situation of work in Italy. Start "perfecting" your use of the Italian language and prepare your resume. "Infinito", "gerundio" and "participio e curriculum"; verbs with prepositions; "diminutivi, peggiorativi".


    • Get ready for Italian conversation: 3 steps listen, test Free trial
    • Il Curriculum in video read, watch Free trial
  • Lesson 3: Pino vuole essere un campione e ne parla con Bartali Listen

    (Pino wants to be a sport champion and talks about it with Bartali.) Get to know the cycling champion Bartali and the situation of sport in Italy. Learn to express yourself with concise and effective sentences. Verbs with pronouns. Relative pronoun "cui" + the article.


    • La squadra del cuore watch
    • Figurine e collezioni watch, research
  • Lesson 4: Pino vuol fare il manager e ne parla con Ferrari Listen

    (Pino wants to be a manager and talks about it with Ferrari.) Get to know the father of the most famous cars in the world and the situation of the Italian economy. Learn to express yourself in a concise and effective way. Double object pronouns; verbs with pronouns.


    • Italia: le terribili tasse! watch, research
    • Statistics about Italians: part 1 read
  • Lesson 5: Pino vuol fare l'artista e ne parla con Monnalisa Listen

    (Pino wants to be an artist and talks about it with Monnalisa.) Discover the secrets of Leonardo's famous Mona Lisa painting, learn about Italian history and improve your way of narrating. Different types of past and narration (part 3). "Passato remoto"; "trapassato remoto".


    • La luna e il passato remoto read, sing, test
    • Eleonora d'Arborea e la storia d'Italia research
  • Lesson 6: Pino vuol fare il pubblicitario e ne parla con Depero Listen

    (Pino wants to work in an advertising agency and talks about it with Depero.) Get to know the futurist Depero and the situation of dialects in Italy. Continue to refine your knowledge of the Italian language and learn how to give the desired emphasis to a sentence. Active and passive construction; difference between standard Italian, regional Italian and dialects.


    • Consigli per fare la spesa watch
    • Dialetti listen
  • Lesson 7: Pino vuol fare il professore e ne parla con la Montessori Listen

    (Pino wants to be a professor and talks about it with Montessori.) Get to know the scientist-educator Maria Montessori and the school system in Italy, and learn to speak in a way that brings people together. The subjunctive (part 1).


    • La scuola in Italia read
    • Memorization techniques read, test
  • Lesson 8: Pino vuol fare lo scienziato e ne parla con Galileo Listen

    (Pino wants to be a scientist and talks about it with Galileo.) Get to know Galileo and the world of science in Italy. Learn more about the use of the subjunctive, develop your intuition and maintain the use of the language. The subjunctive (part 2); intuition and language practice.


    • La segreteria telefonica read, write
    • 5 tips on listening to the Italian news listen
  • Lesson 9: Pino vuol fare il politico e ne parla con Machiavelli Listen

    (Pino wants to be a politician and talks about it with Machiavelli.) Get to know Machiavelli and Italian politics. Learn to make ipothesys and recognize different styles. Hypothetical sentences; different language styles; emphatic use of pronouns.


    • Write a poem like Cecco Angiolieri read, sing, write
    • Giacomo Leopardi e la libertà listen, research
  • Lesson 10: Cosa farà Pino nella vita? Ne parla con Totò Listen

    (What will Pino do in life? He talks about it with Totò.) Get to know the famous comedian Totò and reflect on the meaning of life. Learn to report a conversation and to maintain the practice of the Italian language. Direct/indirect construction; language review and practice.


    • Ricette dal cinema: timpano di maccheroni read, cook
    • Essere scrittore play
  • Lesson 11: Cosa fare nella vita? Pino ascolta Gino Strada Listen

    (What to do in life? Pino listens to Gino Strada.) Get to know Dr. Gino Strada, founder of Emergency, learn to speak in public and to expose your theories. Theorizing; implicit form; oratory technique.


    • Baustelle and the meaning of life watch, listen, test
    • La visione prospettica e il congiuntivo read, test
  • Lesson 12: Come essere felici nella vita? Pino ascolta Terzani Listen

    (How to be happy in life? Pino listens to Tiziano Terzani.) Get to know the writer Tiziano Terzani and reflect on how to be happy in life. Review what you have learned until now; reflect upon certain words.


    • Raffaello e l'armonia: concordanze, preposizioni, pronomi, verbi read, test
    • Incipit. Leggi tanti libri? read, test

Key facts

Course levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Dates: available 24 hours a day
Features: A total of 36 self-administered lessons, divided into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced courses (12 lessons per level)
More than 1,000 audio files
Pronunciation and voice recording system to improve your listening and verbal skills
3,000 words used in the lessons
Self-administered, graded exercises linked to the grammar (so you have a quick reference if you forget the rules!) Speech to text exercises (so you maximize your Italian speaking skills).
Self-administered, graded exams for each lesson
Easy-to-understand grammatical explanations linked to the exercises (so you can practice immediately!)
Ask-the-Prof-Service (so you will never feel alone during your Italian studies)
Progress report with exercises and exams dates and scores
Learning Activities to practice and reinforce what you study
Proverbs and cultural notes
Technical Requirements Internet access - Recent browser (Google Chrome, Windows Edge, Firefox, etc.) - see details

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