Detail of the Creation of Adam,
by Michelangelo Buonarroti,
ca 1511, Sistine Chapel, Rome.
This world-renowned artwork
introduces us to
the difference between
"eating" and "nourishing ourselves".
With the study of the Italian language,
you also learn and experience
some important humanistic concepts.
Welcome to CyberItalian Tutored Course SAMPLE SESSION*
Beginner 1 - Session 1
*PLEASE NOTE: depending on the course in which you register, some differences in the structure of the session and work may occur.
Here you find the learning activities for this sessions and you will:
Are you ready to start?During this course, NO EXCUSES can be accepted for not completing all required activities.
If you have a problem that prevents you from practicing Italian, notify your teacher immediately.
Study with passion and fun, DON'T WAIT until the last moment to complete all requirements.
Enjoy the Italian language!
Follow all the recommended steps and learning activities.
Fase 1 - Preparazione (preparation)
Fase 2 - Introduzione (introduction) = scoring not available (exercise your will power!)
Fase 3 - Studio (study) = exercises and exam automatically scored
Fase 4 (Only for middle and high school courses) - Lezione audio (self-administer your audio lesson) = upload audio to get corrections and score
Fase 5 - Compito (assignment) = post in Class Forum to get corrections
Imagine you are writing this assignment to submit it to an Italian exam. You should take a few minutes to read the questions and organize your thoughts before you begin to write.
Minimum total number of words to write: 80
Post only 1 message in the Class Forum including all the following points:
Questo quadro è bello?
Il sole è freddo o caldo?
La pizza è buona?
IMPORTANT: Use a text editor (like Microsoft Word) to write assignments. In this way you do not run the risk to lose your work if there is a connection failure. When your assignment is complete, copy it and paste it from the text editor into the Class Forum message.
If you have any question about this session send an email to the Prof.
26 Marzo 2025
TESTIMONIAL (more...):
"I also like very much our Skype instructor. He is so cheerful and encouraging. It’s very helpful to me that he writes the words and ..."