Glossary - T
Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.
T, come "távolo" | T, as in "tavolo" - table | (Alphabet) |
taglialegna | lumberjack, wood cutter | (Lez.i_9) |
tagliare | to cut | (Lez.i_6) |
tagliato, tagliata | cut | (Lez.b_6) |
taglio | cut | (Lez.i_6) |
tale (oppure tal); un tale | certain, such; a person | (Lez.i_9) |
talento | talent | (Lez.i_8) |
talmente | so | (Lez.i_5) |
tanto, tanta | much, many, a lot | (Lez.b_4) |
tappa | stage, halt | (Lez.i_11) |
tappeto | carpet, rug | (Lez.b_2) |
tardi | late | (Lez.b_7) |
tassa | tax | (Lez.a_4) |
tasso | rate | (Lez.a_2) |
távola (oppure távolo) | table | (Lez.b_2) |
tazza | cup | (Lez.b_2) |
te | you | (Lez.i_4) |
teatrale (spettacolo teatrale) | theatrical (theatre show) | (Lez.i_7) |
teatro (teatrino) | theatre (small theatre) | (Lez.i_2;i_8) |
tecnica (pl. tecniche) | technique | (Lez.a_3) |
tecnico, tecnica (pl. tecnici, tecniche) | technical | (Lez.a_4) |
tecnologia | technology | (Lez.i_5) |
teiera | tea-pot | (Lez.i_5) |
teoria | theory | (Lez.a_4) |
tela | canvas | (Lez.i_6) |
telecomunicazioni | telecomunications | (Lez.a_4) |
telefonare (telefonata) | to telephone (telephone call) | (Lez.b_7) |
telefono, il telefono | telephone | (Lez.b_2) |
telegramma | telegram, wire, cable | (Lez.i_11) |
televisione, la televisione | television | (Lez.b_4) |
temere | to be afraid of, to fear | (Lez.a_3) |
tempestività | timelines | (Lez.a_4) |
temperato, temperata | temperate | (Lez.b_7) |
tempo (un tempo; in tempo) | time, weather (once; on time) | (Lez.b_6) |
temporale (potere temporale) | temporal (power over the physical world, not the spiritual world) | (Lez.a_5) |
tendenza | tendency, trend | (Lez.i_6) |
tenere (tenere duro) | to keep, hold (hold on, don't give up) | (Lez.i_8;a_3) |
tenero, tenera | tender | (Lez.i_8) |
tennista | tennis player | (Lez.a_3) |
tenore | tenor | (Lez.i_2) |
tensione | tension | (Lez.i_10) |
tentativo | attempt | (Lez.a_3) |
teoria | theory | (Lez.i_11) |
terra | land, ground, earth | (Lez.i_3) |
territorio | territory | (Lez.i_10) |
terziario (settore terziario) | tertiary (high-tech service sector) | (Lez.a_2) |
tesoro | treasure | (Lez.i_2) |
tessile | textile | (Lez.a_2) |
testa | head | (Lez.b_8) |
testimonianza | evidence | (Lez.a_5) |
testo | text | (Lez.a_4) |
tetto | roof | (Lez.b_2) |
tifare (fare il tifo) | to be a fan of, to support | (Lez.a_3) |
tifo | support | (Lez.a_3) |
tifoso, tifosa | fan, supporter | (Lez.a_3) |
timido, timida | shy | (Lez.i_8) |
tipo | type, kind | (Lez.i_4) |
tirare | to pull | (Lez.i_3) |
titolo | title | (Lez.a_4) |
toccare (tocca a me) | to touch (it's my turn) | (Lez.i_9) |
topino | little mouse | (Lez.i_10) |
tornare | to return, come back | (Lez.b_11) |
torneo | tournament | (Lez.i_10) |
torta | cake | (Lez.b_6) |
toscano, toscana | from Tuscany | (Lez.i_4) |
tovagliolo | napkin | (Lez.b_6) |
tra, fra | among, between, within | (Lez.b_8) |
traccia, tracce | mark, trace | (Lez.a_5) |
tradimento | betrayal | (Lez.a_5) |
tradizionale | traditional | (Lez.b_2) |
tradizionalmente | traditionally | (Lez.b_8) |
tradizione | tradition | (Lez.i_4) |
trafitto, trafitta | pierced | (Lez.i_9) |
tragedia | tragedy | (Lez.i_9) |
tramite | means | (Lez.i_11) |
tranquillamente | quietly | (Lez.i_7) |
tranquillo, tranquilla (stai tranquillo) | peaceful, quiet (don't worry) | (Lez.b_2) |
trascrivere | to write down | (Lez.a_5) |
trasformare | to tranform, change | (Lez.i_8) |
trasparente | transparent | (Lez.i_9) |
tratto, tratta | made from | (Lez.i_9) |
traversa | sidestreet | (Lez.b_8) |
tre | three | (Lez.b_5) |
treno | train | (Lez.b_2) |
triangolo | triangle | (Lez.a_4) |
tribù | tribe | (Lez.a_5) |
triste | sad | (Lez.b_3) |
tristezza | sadness | (Lez.a_2) |
troppo, troppa | too much, too many | (Lez.b_3) |
trovare (trovarsi) | to find (to be) | (Lez.b_3;i_10) |
trucco | make up | (Lez.i_8) |
tu | you | (Lez.b_1) |
turismo | tourism | (Lez.a_2) |
turista (pl. turisti, turiste) | tourist | (Lez.b_10) |
turistico, turistica | touristic | (Lez.i_5) |
tuta (tuta da sci) | overalls (ski suit) | (Lez.a_3) |
tutto, tutta (tutt'e due) | all, everything (both) | (Lez.b_3;i_5) |
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