Glossary - R
Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.
R, come "rosa" | R, as in "rosa" - rose | (Alphabet) |
raccogliere | to pick up | (Lez.i_6) |
raccomandare (mi raccomando!) | to recommend (don't forget!) | (Lez.i_11) |
raccontare | to tell | (Lez.b_9) |
radio, la radio | radio (the radio) | (Lez.b_2) |
rafforzarsi | to strengthen, grow stronger | (Lez.a_5) |
ragazza | girl | (Lez.b_2) |
ragazzo | boy, kid | (Lez.b_2) |
raggio | ray | (Lez.i_9) |
raggiungere | to achieve, reach | (Lez.i_10;i_11) |
ragionamento | reasoning, argument | (Lez.b_10) |
ragione (avere ragione) | reason (to be right) | (Lez.i_7) |
raggruppare | to group | (lez.i_11) |
ragno | spider | (Lez.i_3) |
rammaricarsi | to regret | (Lez.i_8) |
rammarico | regret | (Lez.i_8) |
rampante | rearing | (Lez.a_4) |
rapporto | ratio, relationship, relation | (Lez.i_10;a_4) |
rappresentanza | representation | (Lez.i_11) |
rappresentare | to represent, to portray | (Lez.i_2) |
rappresentativo, rappresentativa | representative | (Lez.a_2) |
raramente | rarely | (Lez.b_5) |
rassegna (passare in rassegna) | review, inspection (to review) | (Lez.a_3) |
rassicurante | reassuring | (Lez.i_8) |
rauco, rauca | hoarse | (Lez.a_3) |
razionalità | rationality | (Lez.a_5) |
re | king | (Lez.i_10) |
realizzare | to realize | (Lez.i_7) |
recarsi | to go | (Lez.i_10) |
recitare | to act | (Lez.i_8) |
recitazione | acting | (Lez.i_2) |
redatto, redatta | written | (Lez.a_2) |
redditizio, redditizia | profitable | (Lez.a_2) |
reddito | income | (Lez.a_4) |
referenza | reference | (Lez.a_2) |
regalare | to make a present, give | (Lez.i_4) |
regalo | gift, present | (Lez.b_9) |
regina | queen | (Lez.i_10) |
regionale | regional | (Lez.i_4) |
regione | region, area | (Lez.i_2) |
regista | director | (Lez.i_3) |
regnante | ruler | (Lez.i_10) |
regnare | to reign | (Lez.a_5) |
regno | kingdom | (Lez.i_10) |
régola (régola monastica) | rule (monks and monastery rules) | (Lez.i_7) |
regolamento | regulations | (Lez.a_3) |
regolare | regular | (Lez.i_11) |
regolare | to regulate | (Lez.a_2) |
regolarmente | regularly | (Lez.b_8) |
relativo, relativa | relating to | (Lez.a_3) |
repressivo, repressiva | repressive | (Lez.a_5) |
repubblica | republic | (Lez.i_10) |
resa | rendering, performance | (Lez.a_4) |
respirazione | breathing | (Lez.b_8) |
responsabile | responsible, in charge of | (Lez.a_2) |
restare | to stay, remain | (Lez.i_6) |
resto | rest, remains | (Lez.i_6) |
restituire | to give back, return | (Lez.i_3) |
ricchezza | resources, riches, abundance | (Lez.a_2) |
ricco, ricca (pl. ricchi, ricche) | rich | (Lez.i_2) |
ricerca | search | (Lez.a_5) |
ricercare | to pursue, search for | (Lez.i_5) |
ricetta (ricetta medica) | recipe (prescription) | (Lez.i_2) |
ricevere | to receive | (Lez.b_8) |
richiedere | to require, ask for, apply for | (Lez.i_9;i_10) |
richiesta (su richiesta) | request (on request) | (Lez.a_2) |
riconosciuto/a | recognized | (Lez.a_3) |
ricopiare | to copy | (Lez.i_7) |
ricordare, ricordarsi | to remember, recall, remind | (Lez.b_10;i_2) |
ricorrere | to resort to, turn to | (Lez.a_4) |
ricostruire | to rebuild, reconstruct | (Lez.a_5) |
ridere | to laugh | (Lez.b_4) |
riferimento | reference | (Lez.a_2) |
rifiutare | to refuse, decline | (Lez.a_2) |
riga (due righe) | line (a few notes) | (Lez.i_10) |
riguardo a | regarding, in regard of | (Lez.b_11) |
rilassante | relaxing | (Lez.i_2) |
rilassarsi | to relax | (Lez.i_3) |
rilassato, rilassata | relax | (Lez.b_2) |
rimanere | to remain, stay | (Lez.i_3) |
rimedio | remedy | (Lez.a_4) |
rimproverare | reproach | (Lez.b_5) |
Rinascimento | Renaissance | (Lez.i_5) |
rinascita | revival | (Lez.a_2) |
rincontrarsi | to meet each other again | (Lez.i_11) |
riposare | to rest | (Lez.b_4) |
riposarsi | to rest oneself | (Lez.i_3) |
riproporre | to suggest, propose again | (Lez.i_9) |
risata (risatina) | laugh (small-ironic laugh) | (Lez.i_2,i_7) |
riscaldamento | warm-up | (Lez.b_8) |
riscrivere | rewrite | (Lez.b_11) |
riserva | reserve | (Lez.i_7) |
risolvere | to resolve, sort out | (Lez.i_10) |
risorsa | resource | (Lez.a_2) |
rispettare | to respect | (Lez.i_8) |
rispettato, rispettata | respected | (Lez.i_9) |
rispettoso, rispettosa | respectful | (Lez.i_6) |
rispondere | to answer | (Lez.b_5) |
risposta | answer, feedback | (Lez.i_4) |
ristorante | restaurant | (Lez.b_6) |
risultato | result | (Lez.i_2) |
ritardo (essere in ritardo) | delay, (to be late) | (Lez.b_8) |
ritornare | to return | (Lez.b_11) |
ritorno | return | (Lez.a_3) |
ritratto | portrait | (Lez.i_7) |
ritroso | backward | (Lez.a_2) |
ritrovamento | finding | (Lez.i_10) |
rituale | ritual | (Lez.a_3) |
riunione | meeting | (Lez.i_10) |
riunire | to reunite | (Lez.a_3) |
riuscire | to succeed, be able, manage | (Lez.i_6) |
rivale | rival | (Lez.a_3) |
rivelare | to reveal | (Lez.i_8) |
rivista | magazine, review | (Lez.i_3) |
rivolgersi | to turn to, go and speak to | (Lez.i_9) |
rivoluzionario, rivoluzionaria | revolutionary | (Lez.a_5) |
roba | things, stuff | (Lez.b_11) |
roccia | rock | (Lez.i_7) |
romano, romana | from/of Rome | (Lez.i_5) |
romanticamente | romantically | (Lez.a_5) |
romanticismo | romanticism | (Lez.i_2) |
romanzo | novel | (Lez.b_11) |
rosso, rossa | red | (Lez.b_6) |
rotolare | to roll | (Lez.i_9) |
rotondità | roundness | (Lez.i_11) |
rotto, rotta | broken | (Lez.i_6) |
rovinato, rovinata | ruined | (Lez.i_5) |
rovinarsi | to get ruined, fall in disgrace | (Lez.a_3) |
rubare | to steal | (Lez.b_10) |
rubinetto, il rubinetto | faucet (the faucet) | (Lez.b_2) |
rumore | noise | (Lez.i_6) |
rumoroso, rumorosa | noisy | (Lez.i_6) |
ruolo | role | (Lez.a_5) |
ruota | wheel | (Lez.i_4) |
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