Glossary - N..O
Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.
N, come "nave" | N, as in "nave" - ship | (Alphabet) |
nanna (essere a nanna) | to sleep (usually for children) | (Lez.b_7) |
narrazione | narration | (Lez.i_6) |
nascita (data di nascita) | birth (date of birth) | (Lez.b_5) |
naso | nose | (Lez.b_5) |
Natale | Christmas | (Lez.b_7) |
nato, nata | born | (Lez.i_2) |
natura (per natura) | nature (by nature) | (Lez.a_2) |
naturale | natural | (Lez.i_7) |
naturalmente | naturally | (Lez.i_2) |
navigare | to sail | (Lez.i_11) |
navigatore | navigator | (Lez.i_11) |
nazionale | national | (Lez.a_3) |
nazionalità | nationality | (Lez.b_2) |
ne | of it, of them, some, any, about it, about them | (Lez.i_6) |
né (né ... né) | neither...nor | (Lez.b_7) |
neanche | not even | (Lez.b_11) |
nebbia | fog | (Lez.i_3) |
necessario, necessaria | necessary | (Lez.b_11) |
negoziante | shopkeeper | (Lez.b_10) |
negoziare | to negotiate | (Lez.i_10) |
negoziato | negotiation | (Lez.i_10) |
negozio | store, shop | (Lez.b_10) |
nemico, nemica (pl. nemici, nemiche) | enemy | (Lez.i_2) |
nemmeno | not even | (Lez.b_11) |
neorealismo | neo-realism | (Lez.i_4) |
neppure | not even | (Lez.b_11) |
nero (lavoro in nero) | black (illegal work) | (Lez.b_3;a_2) |
nervoso, nervosa | nervous | (Lez.b_2) |
nessuno, nessuna | noboby, no-one, not any | (Lez.b_11) |
nevica (oggi nevica) | it snows (today it snows) | (Lez.b_7) |
niente (di niente) | nothing (not at all, don't mention it) | (Lez.3,15) |
nipote | grandchild, nephew, niece | (Lez.b_5) |
noi | we, us | (Lez.b_1;i_4) |
noioso, noiosa | boring | (Lez.b_3) |
noleggio | rental | (Lez.b_9) |
nome | name | (Lez.b_1) |
nominare | to appoint | (Lez.a_2) |
non | not | (Lez.b_3) |
nono, nona | ninth | (Lez.b_5) |
nonno, nonna | grandfather/mother | (Lez.b_5) |
nord | north | (Lez.i_7) |
nord-americano, nord-americana | North American | (Lez.b_2) |
norma | norm, rule, regulation | (Lez.i_10) |
notizia | news, information | (Lez.i_10) |
notte | night | (Lez.b_11) |
novanta | ninety | (Lez.b_5) |
nove | nine | (Lez.b_5) |
novembre | November | (Lez.b_7) |
nubile | unmarried woman | (Lez.a_2) |
nulla | nothing | (Lez.b_11) |
numero | number | (Lez.b_5) |
numeroso, numerosa | numerous, many | (Lez.i_2) |
nuotare | to swim | (Lez.b_4) |
nuotata | swim | (Lez.i_9) |
nuoto | swimming | (Lez.a_3) |
nuovo, nuova (di nuovo) | new (again) | (Lez.b_6) |
nuvoloso (oggi è nuvoloso) | cloudy (today it is cloudy) | (Lez.b_7) |
O, come "osso" | O, as in "osso" - bone | (Alphabet) |
o | or, or rather | (Lez.i_2) |
obbedire | to obey | (Lez.a_5) |
obliterare | to stamp | (Lez.i_10) |
occasione | occasion | (Lez.i_4) |
occhio (pl. occhi) | eye (pl. eyes) | (Lez.b_3) |
occhiali | glasses | (Lez.b_3) |
occupazione | military occupation | (Lez.a_3) |
odore | smell, odor | (Lez.a_2) |
offrire | to offer | (Lez.b_6) |
oggetto | object | (Lez.i_5) |
oggi | today | (Lez.b_4) |
ogni | each | (Lez.b_9) |
ognuno | each (one) | (Lez.i_9) |
olio | oil | (Lez.b_6) |
oltre | beyond, over | (Lez.b_6) |
ombrello | umbrella | (Lez.i_2) |
omogeneo, omogenea | homogeneous | (Lez.a_4) |
ondeggiare | to roll, rock, wave | (Lez.i_3) |
onesto, onesta | honest | (Lez.b_3) |
opera | work, action, piece of work; opera | (Lez.i_6) |
operazione (di matematica) | (math) calculation | (Lez.b_5) |
opportunità | opportunity | (Lez.i_8) |
opposizione (l'Opposizione) | opposition (the Opposition) | (Lez.i_11) |
oppure | or, otherwise | (Lez.i_2) |
ora | hour, now, right now | (Lez.b_7) |
ordinare | to order, to put in order | (Lez.b_6) |
ordine | order | (Lez.i_7) |
orecchio | ear | (Lez.b_8) |
organizzare | to organize, arrange | (Lez.b_10) |
organo | organ, part, body | (Lez.a_4) |
orientale | oriental | (Lez.a_5) |
oriente | orient | (Lez.i_8) |
originale | original | (Lez.i_7) |
origine | origin | (Lez.i_8) |
ormai | by now, now, by then | (Lez.b_10) |
osso | bone | (Lez.i_9) |
ostile | hostile | (Lez.i_5) |
ottanta | eighty | (Lez.b_5) |
ottavo, ottava | eighth | (Lez.b_5) |
ottenere | to obtain, gain | (Lez.i_4) |
ottimo (il più buono) | very good, excellent | (Lez.i_2) |
otto | eight | (Lez.b_5) |
ottobre | October | (Lez.b_7) |
ovvio, ovvia (pl. ovvi, ovvie) | obvious | (Lez.i_2) |
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