Glossary - A
Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.
a, alle | at, to | (Lez.b_8) |
abbandonare | to abandon | (Lez.i_8) |
abbastanza | quite, rather | (Lez.b_9) |
abbigliamento | clothing | (Lez.b_10) |
abbinare | to couple, match | (Lez.i_5) |
abbondare | to abound, be plantiful | (Lez.i_11) |
abbracciare | to embrace, hug | (Lez.i_10) |
abbraccio | hug | (Lez.a_2) |
abbronzarsi | to get tanned | (Lez.i_3) |
abile | skilful, able | (Lez.a_5) |
abilità | ability | (Lez.i_10) |
abitare | to live in, to inhabit | (Lez.b_5) |
abito, abito da sera | dress, suit (evening dress) | (Lez.b_10) |
abitualmente | usually | (Lez.i_6) |
abituato, abituata | accustomed, used to | (Lez.i_2) |
abolire (venne abolita) | to abolish (it was abolished) | (Lez.i_10;a_5) |
abolito | abolished | (Lez.i_10) |
accanirsi | to rage against | (Lez.a_4) |
accappatoio | bath robe | (Lez.i_7) |
accendere | to turn on | (Lez.i_8) |
accessori | accessory | (Lez.b_10) |
accettare | to accept | (Lez.b_11) |
acclamare | to cheer, applaud | (Lez.a_3) |
accompagnare | to accompany, to go with | (Lez.a_3) |
accontentarsi | to be content with | (Lez.a_2) |
accordo | agreement | (Lez.i_7) |
accorgersi | to realize, notice | (Lez.i_6) |
aceto | vinegar | (Lez.b_6) |
acqua, acqua minerale | water, mineral water | (Lez.b_6) |
acquistare | to buy, purchase | (Lez.i_10) |
acrobata | acrobat | (Lez.i_8) |
acuto, acuta (acuto di spirito) | sharp, acute (keen) | (Lez.a_5) |
addirittura | even, moreover | (Lez.i_4) |
addominali | abdominals | (Lez.b_8) |
addormentarsi | to fall asleep | (Lez.i_3) |
adesso | now | (Lez.b_8) |
adirato, adirata | to be angry | (Lez.b_2) |
adirarsi | to get angry | (Lez.i_8) |
adorare | to adore, worship | (Lez.a_5) |
adottivo, adottiva (figlio adottivo) | adoptive (adopted child) | (Lez.a_5) |
adulto, adulta | adult | (Lez.b_9) |
aereo | airplane | (Lez.b_2) |
aerodinamicità | aerodynamics | (Lez.a_4) |
aeroporto | airport | (Lez.i_6) |
affamato, affamata | hungry | (Lez.b_2) |
affare | bargain, deal, matter, affair | (Lez.b_10) |
affascinante | charming, enchanting | (Lez.i_3) |
affatto, (non ... affatto) | completely, (not at all) | (Lez.b_11) |
affetto | affection | (Lez.a_2) |
affettuoso | affectionate | (Lez.a_2) |
affezionato, affezionata | loving | (Lez.i_10) |
affidabile | trusted | (Lez.b_3) |
affittare (affittasi) | to rent, lease (for rent) | (Lez.b_9;i_10) |
affollato, affollata | crowded | (Lez.i_8) |
affrescare | to paint on walls, make a fresco | (Lez.i_6) |
africano, africana | African | (Lez.b_2) |
agenzia di viaggi | travel agency | (Lez.b_9) |
agevolare | to help, facilitate | (Lez.a_4) |
aggiungere | to add | (Lez.b_6) |
aggiunta | addition | (Lez.i_10) |
aggiustare | to repair | (Lez.i_8) |
aggressivo, aggressiva | aggressive | (Lez.a_3) |
agire | to act, take action | (Lez.i_2) |
agosto | august | (Lez.b_7) |
agricolo, agricola | agricultural | (Lez.a_4) |
agricoltura | agriculture | (Lez.a_2) |
aiutare | to help | (Lez.b_5) |
aiuto | help | (Lez.i_3) |
albergatore, albergatrice | hotel owner/manager | (Lez.b_11) |
alberghiero (industria alberghiera) | pertaining to hotels (hotel business) | (Lez.a_4) |
albergo | hotel | (Lez.b_9) |
alcuno, alcuna | nobody, none | (Lez.i_9) |
alcuni, alcune | some, a few | (Lez.b_4) |
alici | anchovies | (Lez.b_6) |
alimentare | to feed, supply, to keep alive | (Lez.a_4) |
alimentari | grocer's shop, foodstuffs | (Lez.b_10) |
alleanza | alliance | (Lez.i_10) |
allearsi (si allearono) | to form an alliance (they formed an alliance) | (Lez.a_5) |
allegro, allegra | happy | (Lez.b_2) |
allenamento | training | (Lez.a_3) |
allenarsi | to train | (Lez.a_3) |
allenatore, allenatrice | trainer, coach | (Lez.a_3) |
allontanare (venne allontanata) | to take away, move away (it was banned) | (Lez.a_3;a_5) |
allora | so, then | (Lez.b_6) |
allungamento, allungamento delle gambe | stretching (stretching of the legs) | (Lez.b_8) |
allungare | to lengthen | (Lez.i_9) |
almeno | at least | (Lez.a_4) |
alterno, alterna | alternate | (Lez.i_10) |
alto, alta | tall, high | (Lez.b_2) |
altrettanto | as much, as many, equally | (Lez.i_9) |
altrimenti | otherwise | (Lez.i_2) |
altro, altra | other | (Lez.b_4) |
altrove | elsewhere | (Lez.a_2) |
alzarsi | to get up, rise, stand up | (Lez.i_3) |
amare | to love | (Lez.b_4) |
amaro, amara | bitter (painful) | (Lez.i_4) |
ambasciatore, ambasciatrice | ambassador | (Lez.i_10) |
ambito, ambita | sought | (Lez.a_2) |
amicizia | friendship | (Lez.b_11) |
amichevole | friendly | (Lez.i_2) |
amico, amica (pl. amici, amiche) | friend | (Lez.b_2) |
amministrativo, amministrativa | administrative | (Lez.a_2) |
ammirato, ammirata | admired | (Lez.a_5) |
ampio, ampia | wide, large | (Lez.i_3) |
ampliare | to widen, to enlarge (up)on | (Lez.i_2) |
anagrafe | registry, register office | (Lez.i_10) |
analizzare | to analyse | (Lez.a_4) |
anche (anche se) | also, too (even though) | (Lez.b_4;b_9) |
ancora (non ... ancora) | still, again, more, (not yet) | (Lez.b_11) |
andare, andare al cinema | to go; to go to the movies (irregular verb) | (Lez.b_8) |
andare di fretta | to be in a hurry | (Lez.i_2) |
andarsene | to go away from a place | (Lez.a_4) |
anello | ring | (Lez.a_5) |
anguria | watermelon | (Lez.i_6) |
animo | mind, character, disposition | (Lez.a_3) |
anno | year | (Lez.b_5) |
annoiato, annoiata | bored, fed up | (Lez.b_2) |
annoiarsi | to be bored, fed up | (Lez.i_3) |
annullamento | cancellation, annulment | (Lez.a_4) |
annunciare | to announce, to give notice | (Lez.i_4) |
antenato, antenata | ancestor | (Lez.i_4) |
antichità | antiquity, ancient times | (Lez.i_6) |
antico, antica (pl. antichi, antiche) | ancient, antique | (Lez.b_2;i_3) |
antipatico, antipatica | unpleasant, disagreeable | (Lez.b_2) |
anzi | or rather, now that I think of it | (Lez.b_9;i_8) |
anziano, anziana | elderly, old | (Lez.i_9) |
anziché | rather than | (Lez.a_5) |
aperitivo | aperitif | (Lez.i_3) |
aperto, aperta | open | (Lez.i_4) |
apice | peak, summit | (Lez.i_6) |
appagare | to satisfy | (Lez.a_2) |
apparire | to appear | (Lez.i_4) |
appartamento | appartment | (Lez.i_10) |
appartenere | to belong to | (Lez.a_2) |
appena | as soon as | (Lez.i_4) |
appendino | (coat) hook | (Lez.b_2) |
appetito | appetite | (Lez.b_6) |
applicare | to apply, enforce | (Lez.i_11) |
applicazione | enforcement | (Lez.a_4) |
appoggiare | to lay, or put, something on something else | (Lez.a_3) |
appoggio | support | (Lez.a_5) |
apprendista (pl. apprendisti, apprendiste) | apprentice | (Lez.i_6) |
approfondire | to deepen | (Lez.i_8) |
approvare | to approve, pass | (Lez.i_11) |
appuntamento | appointment, meeting | (Lez.i_10) |
appunti | notes | (Lez.a_2) |
appurare | to verify | (Lez.a_3) |
aprile | april | (Lez.b_7) |
aprire | to open | (Lez.i_7) |
arabo, araba | Arab | (Lez.b_2) |
arancia | orange | (Lez.b_6) |
archeologia | archeology | (Lez.a_4) |
archeologico, archeologica (pl. archeologici, archeologiche) | archeological | (Lez.i_6) |
argomento | subject, topic | (Lez.i_2) |
aria (aria aperta) | air, look , aria, tune (outside) | (Lez.12;a_3) |
armadietto | small closet, wardrobe | (Lez.b_2) |
armadio | closet, wardrobe | (Lez.b_2) |
armonia | harmony, accord, consonance | (Lez.i_5) |
armonico, armonica | harmonic, harmonious | (Lez.i_5) |
arrabbiarsi | to get angry | (Lez.a_4) |
arrampicata | climbing | (Lez.b_8) |
arrestare | to arrest | (Lez.i_10) |
arrivederci | goodbye | (Lez.b_1) |
arte (opera d'arte, arte marziale) | art, skill, craft (work of art, martial art) | (Lez.b_8;i_2) |
articolo | article | (Lez.i_10) |
artigianato | handicraft | (Lez.i_5) |
artigiano, artigiana | artisan | (Lez.i_6) |
artista | artist | (Lez.b_3) |
ascoltare | to listen to | (Lez.b_9) |
ascolto | listening | (Lez.a_2) |
asiatico, asiatica | Asian | (Lez.b_2) |
asilo | nursery school | (Lez.a_2) |
aspettare | to wait for | (Lez.i_2) |
aspettarsi | to expect | (Lez.i_4) |
aspetto | aspect, side, appearance | (Lez.i_2) |
assaggiare | to taste | (Lez.b_6) |
assassinare | to assassinate | (Lez.a_3) |
assegnare | to assign | (Lez.a_4) |
assegno | check | (Lez.b_10) |
assemblea (assemblea generale) | meeting, assembly (general meeting) | (Lez.a_4) |
assetato, assetata | thirsty | (Lez.b_2) |
assicurare | to assure | (Lez.a_4) |
assistenza | assistance | (Lez.i_3) |
asso | ace | (Lez.a_4) |
associato, associata | associated | (Lez.a_4) |
assolto | performed, absolved | (Lez.a_2) |
assolutismo | absolutism | (Lez.a_5) |
assunto (nuovo assunto) | employed (new employee) | (Lez.a_4) |
assurdo, assurda | absurd | (Lez.a_4) |
atleta | athlete | (Lez.a_3) |
atmosfera | atmosphere | (Lez.i_4) |
attaccarsi | to stick to someone or something | (Lez.i_9) |
attento, attenta (attento!) | attentive (watch out, be careful!) | (Lez.i_6) |
attenzione | watch out, be careful; attention | (Lez.i_6) |
attimo | moment | (Lez.b_10) |
attivarsi | to activate oneself, to start to do something | (Lez.a_4) |
attività | activity | (Lez.b_1) |
attivo, attiva | active | (Lez.b_2) |
attore, attrice | actor, actress | (Lez.b_2) |
attraverso | across, through | (Lez.b_11) |
attrezzo | tool | (Lez.a_3) |
attuale | present, actual | (Lez.i_5) |
audace | daring, audacious | (Lez.a_4) |
audizione | hearing | (Lez.a_4) |
augurare | to wish | (Lez.a_4) |
auguri (tanti auguri) | greetings, (best wishes; happy birthday) | (Lez.i_7) |
aula | classroom | (Lez.i_9) |
aumentare | to increase | (Lez.a_3) |
australiano, australiana | Australian | (Lez.b_2) |
auto (automobile - pl. automobili) | car | (Lez.b_9) |
autografo | autograph | (Lez.i_4) |
automobilismo | motor racing | (Lez.a_3) |
autore, autrice | author | (Lez.i_3) |
autorità | authority | (Lez.a_5) |
autoritario | authoritarian | (Lez.a_5) |
autoritratto | self-portrait | (Lez.i_3) |
autotutela | automatic protection | (Lez.a_4) |
autunno | autumn | (Lez.b_7) |
avanzato, avanzata | advanced | (Lez.i_10) |
avanti | forward | (Lez.i_11) |
avercela (con qualcuno) | to be angry (with someone) | (Lez.a_4) |
avere (verbo irregolare) | to have (irregular verb) | (Lez.b_9) |
avere voglia di... | to feel like ... | (Lez.b_9) |
aviatore, aviatrice | aviator | (Lez.a_4) |
avvenire | to happen, occur | (Lez.a_4) |
avventura | adventure | (Lez.i_7) |
avventuroso, avventurosa | adventurous | (Le.i_4) |
avversario | opponent | (Lez.a_3) |
avvocato | lawyer | (Lez.b_3) |
azienda | firm, company | (Lez.a_2) |
aziendale (situazione aziendale) | company (company situation) | (Lez.a_4) |
azzurro, azzurra | sky-blue | (Lez.i_3) |
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