This course is almost over.
We know that toward the end of a course
you are tired; however
don't give up now!
Welcome to CyberItalian Tutored
Beginner 1 ~ session 7
Here you will learn and practice how to:
- ask for something
- order at the restaurant
- create a conversation
Enjoy the Italian language!
Follow all the recommended steps
and learning activities.
Fase 1 - studio
- In this session you learn how to ask for something and you acquire the basics to create a conversation. Study Lesson
b_6 and complete all required exercises and activities. Make sure you read the Comment, analyze the Grammar,
complete the Exercises
and exam, complete the "Bocconcino Culturale" and the Activity. Can you create a conversation with the waiter in an Italian restaurant?! Come sta? Il cuoco cosa consiglia oggi? Qual è la specialità? Io vorrei... è buono? How are you? What does the chef suggests today? What is the specialty? I would like... is it good?
Fase 2 - ripasso
If you have questions about this session post them in the Class Forum or Ask the Prof.
When you are ready, move on to the next session.