Un fiore solo?
Welcome to CyberItalian Tutored
Beginner 1 ~ session 6
Here you will learn and practice how to:
- count in Italian
- tell your age
- describe your family
- use possessive adjectives and pronouns
Enjoy the Italian language!
Follow all the recommended steps
and learning activities.
Fase 1 - studio
- In this session we talk about Italian families and you are requested to describe one of your relatives.
Study Lesson
b_5 and complete all required exercises and activities. Make sure you read the Comment, analyze the Grammar,
complete the Exercises
and exam, complete the "Bocconcino Culturale" and the Activity.
Fase 2 - revisione e correzioni
- Review the Class Forum and see if there are messages or corrections from the teacher.
Fase 3 - ripasso (review)
If you have questions about this session post them in the Class Forum or Ask the Prof.
When you are ready, move on to the next session.