È come il padre:
mangia e dorme!
Welcome to CyberItalian Tutored
Beginner 1 ~ session 5
Here you will learn and practice how to:
- express preferences
- tell what you like and what you don't like
- ask questions
- reply to question
- learn about Italian verbs
Enjoy the Italian language!
Follow all the recommended steps
and learning activities.
Fase 1 - studio
- In this session you study one of the most important linguistic elements: the verb (very useful to speak!)
You also learn to express preferences. Mi piace... non mi piace... I like... I don't like...
Study Lesson
b_4 and complete all required exercises and activities. Make sure you read the Comment, analyze the Grammar,
complete the Exercises
and exam, complete the "Bocconcino Culturale" and the Activity.
Fase 2 - compito speciale
PLEASE NOTE, you are REQUIRED to complete
this assignment and POST it in the Class Forum. It is recommended that you post it as soon as possible.
Minimum total number of words to write: 120
Post only 1 message in the Class Forum including all the following points:
- From the activity Mi piace, NON mi piace, Lesson b_4, make a list of "cosa ti piace" and "cosa non ti piace" (please write complete sentences - e.g. "mi piace mangiare, non mi piace lavorare" etc.)
Use the verbs learned until now or look for more
verbs in the dictionary.
- In exercise 10, Lesson b_4, you practice descriptions. Watch the following picture and describe it with short and simple sentences (be creative: add to your description the name of the girl, her nationality, if she is happy, sad, calm, nervous, etc. Write also what actions she performs - use the present indicative of verbs):

If you have questions about this session post them in the Class Forum or Ask the Prof.
When you are ready, move on to the next session.