È un giocatore di basket!
Welcome to the CyberItalian Intensive Tutored
Beginner 1 ~ session 3
Here you will find the recommended learning activities and you will:
- describe who you are (part 2)
- describe your friends
- tell what your profession is
- complete the self-administered lesson with exercises and exam
- complete the audio lesson and record your voice
- write the assignment and post it in the Class Forum
Follow all the recommended steps
and learning activities.
Fase 1 - Forum di Classe
- Review the Class Forum and see if there is any message from the teacher.
Fase 2 - Studio. Lezione con esercizi ed esame
- In this session you learn how to describe yourself and your friends in a more complete way.
Study Lesson
b_3 and complete all the required exercises and activities. Make sure
you read the Comment, analyze the Grammar, complete the Exercises and exam,
complete the "Bocconcino Culturale" and the Activity.
Fase 3 - Lezione Audio
- To self-administer your Audio Lesson click on I numeri and follow instruction.
Fase 4 - Compito
Minimum total number of words to write in this assignment: 100
Post only 1 assignment in the Class Forum including all the following points:
- Describe your best friend: Chi è? Give his/her name, and physical and general description.
- Reply to the following questions (give complete answer including the verb, the number only is not acceptable): Quanti libri hai? Quanti anni hai? Quanti fratelli hai? Quanti cugini hai? Quanti dvd hai? Quanti amici hai?
If you have any question about this session post it in the Class Forum or send an email to the Prof.