"Uomo vitruviano" (Vitruvian Man);
this world-renowned drawing
by Leonardo da Vinci represents
proportion, balance,
and the relationship
between man and the universe.
With the study of Italian language,
you also learn and experience
some important humanistic concepts.
Welcome to the CyberItalian Intensive Tutored
Beginner 1 ~ session 1
Here you will find the recommended learning activities and you will:
- learn the Italian alphabet
- learn how to use the CyberItalian lessons
- introduce yourself and greet someone
- complete the self-administered lesson with exercises and exam
- complete the audio lesson and record your voice
- write the assignment and post it in the Class Forum

Are you ready to start?During this course, NO EXCUSES can be accepted for not posting the assignments or not completing the required activities or audio lessons.
If you have a serious problem that prevents you from studying, please notify the teacher immediately (the teacher might contact your parents or the school to evaluate the situation).
Study with passion and fun, DON'T WAIT until the last moment to complete all requirements.
Enjoy the Italian language!
Follow all the recommended steps
and learning activities.
Fase 1 - Forum di Classe (Class Forum)
- Review the Class Forum and see if there is any message from the teacher.
Fase 2 - Preparazione (Preparation)
- Get
a notebook that you will use for your Italian studies. Have always a pen available and possibly some colored markers. Taking notes and writing key words can be very helpful in
identifying the main concepts of a lesson and/or quickly reviewing
them when you need. Also, writing a list of items (e.g. verbs) can be
very helpful in memorizing it. Even if you study online, always keep a
notebook and a pen near your computer, and take notes.
Fase 3 - Studio. Lezione con esercizi ed esame (Study. Lesson with exercises and exam)
- In this session "rompi il ghiaccio" (you break the ice) with Italian language and its pronunciation. You also learn and practice how to introduce yourself and greet people.
- Click here to learn
the Italian alphabet and to practice your listening and pronunciation skills.
- Open Lesson b_1
- Read and listen to the "Dialogo"
(Dialogue) in Lesson b_1
- Read the "Commento"
- Complete
the "Bocconcino
Culturale" (Cultural Tidbit). This is a good exercises to practice your listening skills and have your ear getting
accustomed to the new Italian sounds.
- Analyze the "Bocconcino
Grammaticale" (Grammatical Tidbit) and study the present of the
verb “essere”
- Complete
the Exercises
- Complete the Activities and the Exam in the lesson (click on the Menu to the right)
- Please note: The main character in the lessons is Pinocchio, a traditional Italian character created in 1881 by Italian writer Carlo Collodi. Pinocchio represents the idea of "personal growth" and "personal development" which are a very important aspect of studying.
Fase 4 - Lezione Audio (Audio Lesson)
- To self-administer your Audio Lesson click on Saluti and follow instruction.
Fase 5 - Compito (Assignment)
Minimum total number of words to write in this assignment: 80
Post only 1 assignment in the Class Forum including all the following points:
- Create a list of all the Italian words you already know (think about it, you certainly know words like "pizza", "Opera", "bravo", "musica"...)
- With the help of the Glossario, create a list of your favorite Italian words (choose from the Glossario the Italian words that are more interesting, appealing or useful to you).
- Write your answers to the following questions from the Alphabet
che colore è questa casa?
La penna è piccola?
Questa camicia è stretta?
Questo quadro è bello?
La pizza è buona?
IMPORTANT: Use a text editor (like Microsoft Word) to write assignments. In this way you do not run the risk to lose your work if there is a connection failure. When your assignment is complete, copy it and paste it from the text editor into the Class Forum message.
Post your work within the due date.
You will find the correction to your assignment in the Class Forum.
If you have any question about this session post it in the Class Forum or send an email to the Prof.