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Bocconcino Culturale

PLEASE NOTE, this is a listening and comprehension exercise. In the following text you will find a few missing words, but... DON'T GET SCARED! :-)


Listen to the audio in Italian while reading the text (listen to it as many times as possible.) On a sheet of paper (or if you print this page), write the missing Italian words.


Click on Pinocchio "Risposta" at the end of the page for the solution.

Milano, Rossini e la musica italiana aperto


regioni italiane


L'._._._._._._. è divisa in 20 regioni. Ogni regione ha usi, costumi e dialetti particolari.


Questo nostro ._._._._._._._. attraverso l'Italia inizia in Lombardia, a ._._._._._._..


Milano è considerata ._._. molte persone la città più "moderna" d'Italia; la capitale degli affari, della ._._._._. , del design e della pubblicità, dove la gente lavora tanto e ._._. sempre di fretta. In parte è vero, ma anche Milano, come ogni città italiana, ha i ._._._._. aspetti provinciali e i suoi tesori d'arte.
La Scala, ad ._._._._._._._., (in piazza della Scala) è uno dei teatri più famosi d'Italia.

**** is divided into 20 regions. Each region has particular uses, traditions and dialects.

Our **** through Italy begins in Lombardy, in ****.


Milan is considered **** many people to be the most "modern" city in Italy; the capital of business, ****, design and advertising, where people work hard and **** always in a hurry.
This is partly true, but Milan too, like every Italian city, has **** provincial aspects and its art treasures.
La Scala, for ****, (in piazza della Scala) is one of the most famous theaters in Italy.


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Teatro La Scala
Teatro Alla Scala di Milano


Gioacchino ._._._._._._._. (1792 - 1868) è nato a Pesaro, nelle Marche e nella sua vita ha creato tantissima musica. Era [he was] così prolifico che diceva avrebbe creato [he said he would create] musica anche dalla lista della spesa!
Nel 1782 il compositore Paisiello aveva scritto [wrote] la musica del "Barbiere di Siviglia" ed aveva ottenuto [got] un grandissimo successo.

Rossini riscrisse [wrote again] la musica del "Barbiere di Siviglia" e presentò [presented] l'opera al ._._._._._._. Argentina a Roma, nel 1816, con un grandissimo insuccesso!

In seguito però, la ._._._._._._._._. di Rossini diventò [became] molto più famosa di quella di Paisiello.

Gioacchino **** (1792 - 1868) was born in Pesaro, in the Marche region and during his life he created a lot of music. He was so prolific he said he could put into music even a grocery list!
In 1782 the composer Paisiello wrote the music of the "Barber of Seville" and got a great success.
Rossini wrote again the music of the "Barber of Seville" and presented the opera at the **** Argentina in Rome, in 1816, with a huge failure!
Later however, Rossini's **** became much more famous than Paisiello's.



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L'._._._._._. e la ._._._._._._. italiana sono internazionali e presentano aspetti meravigliosi e complessi: ._._._._._._._._._._., dramma, commedia, successi e insuccessi. ._._._._._._._._. al grande Lorenzo Da Ponte, librettista di Mozart, ._._._._. vicino a Venezia e morto a New York. Per ampliare l'argomento vai nell'area attività.

Italian **** and **** are international and show wonderful and complex aspects:

****, drama, comedy, successes and failures. **** of the great Lorenzo Da Ponte, Mozart's librettist, **** near Venice and died in New York. To broaden the topic go to the activity area.


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