Quote of the week
From CyberItalian Beginner lesson 2. The key word to become Italian is “flexibility”; mental flexibility.
From CyberItalian Beginner lesson 2. The key word to become Italian is “flexibility”; mental flexibility.
“Festina Lente” (Affrettati Lentamente; Make Haste Slowly) by Roman Emperor Ottaviano Augusto (63 BC – AD 14)
Being a waiter in Italy can be a well-rewarded profession, with a long-term contract. In Italy waiters have their salary so you are not obliged to leave a tip; however, la “mancia” is certainly appreciated and it is definitely a nice thing to give if the waiter provides a good service. Many restaurants are family… Leggi tutto »
Buongiorno a tutti! After a magic and relaxing day at the beach, waiting for the sunset to express a wish as soon as the sun disappears, and waiting for the shooting stars for more wishes to express, I am back to reality. I want to share with you an interesting article by Chiara Volpato, published… Leggi tutto »
What about an entire village playing “Tombola” (Bingo) at night in the main square? That’s what happened in Trevignano the other night. Everybody sitting in the bar, or on the sidewalk, or on the street benches, road closed to cars, everybody checking their numbers, talking with friends, relaxing. It takes a whole village to raise… Leggi tutto »