Sei puntuale?
In the Beginner level of this Italian course, you meet Pino (Pinocchio - a traditional character in Italian culture), and you learn the basic structures of the Italian language and culture.
Starting from this lesson and the followings, Pino begins to understand that we have to be puntual and tell the truth, and that his "good friends" the Cat and the Fox are not really good friends...
In questa lezione imparerai a prendere un appuntamento o a rimandarlo.
In this lesson you will learn to make or postpone an appointment.
Gli elementi linguistici che troverai sono:
The linguistic elements you will find are:
- Prendere/rimandare un appuntamento. Le ore
(Make/postpone an appointment. Hours) - I giorni della settimana
(Days of the week) - I mesi dell'anno
(Months of the year) - Verbi irregolari: Dovere, Volere, Potere
(Irregular verbs: Must, Want, Can) - Verbi irregolari: Uscire, Venire
(Irregular verbs: To Go Out, To Come) - Il tempo