Pinocchio as seen by Enrico Mazzanti, first illustrator of The Adventures of Pinocchio in 1883.
The book "The adventures of Pinocchio" is one of the most famous in Italy and in the world.
In the Beginner level of our Italian course, you meet Pino (Pinocchio - a traditional character in Italian culture), and you start learning the Italian language and culture.
In this level Pino realizes that his "good friends" the Cat and Fox are not really good friends. But what is friendship after all?
In this lesson you will learn how to greet someone, to say goodbye to someone and to introduce yourself.
The linguistic elements you will find are:
- Saluti e pronuncia (Greetings and pronunciation)
- Presentazioni (Introductions)
- Pronomi personali (Subject pronouns)
- Verbo Essere (Verb To Be)