
Pino vuole fare il professore e ne parla con la Montessori

Materiali educativi per bambini

Materiali educativi specifici per i bambini

In the Beginner level of our Italian course, Pino (Pinocchio - a traditional character in Italian culture), realizes that his "good friends" the Cat and Fox are not really good friends. But what is friendship after all?

In the Intermediate level, Pino and Grillo (the Talking Cricket) embark on a journey through Italy to meet famous people (Rossini, Fellini, Michelangelo, Leonardo ...) and to ask them what friendship is.

In this Advanced level, Pino wants to become rich and famous, even though he doesn't know what to do in life. But what is life after all?

He meets famous Italian people (Dante, Ferrari, Galileo, Montessori...) and asks them how to become rich, happy and famous.

In questa lezione conoscerai la scienziata-educatrice Maria Montessori e il mondo della scuola in Italia, ed imparerai a parlare in un modo che congiunge le persone.

Gli elementi linguistici che troverai sono:

  • Congiuntivo (parte 1): presente e passato


Ascolta la parola/frase, clicca sul microfono per registrarti e cerca di raggiungere il punteggio più alto!