No. of on-line asynchronous Sessions: 16
No. of self-administered Grammar/Culture Lessons (with Exercises and Exams): 5
No. of self-administered Audio Lessons and Recordings: 4
No. of Assignments: 4
Mid-term test
Final exam
In this tutored course you get to know more and more of Italian culture through authentic material. You learn how to write your resume in Italian, refine and maintain the language using more complex structures (i.e. idiomatic expressions, verbs with pronouns), start handling discussions about theoretical topics, read articles and books in Italian, watch Italian videos, visit some recommended Italian websites.
Upon successful completion of the Advanced 1 you should be able to "...understand television programs and films without too much effort... express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions, use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes, formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate your contribution skilfully to those of other speakers... present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion" (standard definition taken from the Common European Framework Self-Evaluation).
Please note: in order to help students learn the language and improve their understanding of Italian culture and lifestyle, CyberItalian has revisited the famous Italian story "Pinocchio" and most CyberItalian self-study lessons present a dialogue with a modern Pinocchio (Pino). Through "A Modern Pinocchio Story", the CyberItalian course helps students to learn the Italian language and culture, as well as explore their own lives and learning challenges.
1 |
Introduction to semester 2.
Revision exercises:
2 | Complete Grammar/Culture Lesson with exercises and exam: a_6
Pino wants to work in an advertising agency and talks about it with Depero. Learn to place emphasis in a sentence. Active and passive construction. Activity: the Italian language and the dialects. |
3 | Learn the difference between a dictionary and an automatic translator |
Assignment - minimum amount of words required: 100 |
4 |
Audio Lesson and Recording: Congratulations - Congratulazioni |
5 | Revision Lesson Grammar/Culture with exercises and exam: a_13
Your portrait: are you happy? How to find your happiness. Language revision. Pronomi personali: lui, lei, esso, essa, egli, ella, ciò. Comparativi - uso di "più" e "di più". Collocazioni ed espressioni idiomatiche Activity: Create your self-portrait (it can be a song, a poem, a drawing, anything that represents you in this moment). |
6 | Assignment - minimum amount of words required: 100 |
7 | Revision Lesson Grammar/Culture with exercises and exam: a_14
Individuality and loneliness: you are not alone. Segnali discorsivi e intercalare. Punteggiatura. Differenza fra "stare" ed "essere". Frasi principali e secondarie, struttura di testi complessi. Activity: Italian articles and the individual. |
8 | Revision and
Mid-Term Test |
Grammar revision:
9 |
Audio Lesson and Recording: Disapproval - Disapprovazione |
10 | Revision Lesson Grammar/Culture with exercises and exam: a_15
Observing oneself. Pronomi dimostrativi e relativi - "colui, coloro, ciò", uso di "quello che", differenza fra "quello" e "che". Pronome "cui" + articolo. Uso enfatico dei pronomi: spostamento a destra. Collocazioni ed espressioni idiomatiche. Activity: sing in the mask, observe your pronunciation. |
11 | Be punctual. Be proactive. Get results. |
Assignment - minimum amount of words required: 100 |
12 | The importance of foreign language study. |
Audio Lesson and Recording: Giving orders, encouraging - Dare ordini ed esortare |
13 | Revision Lesson Grammar/Culture with exercises and exam: a_16
Italian emigration. Pronomi diretti e indiretti, approfondimento dei pronomi "ne" e "ci". Uso dei doppi pronomi. Verbi usati con i pronomi. Uso enfatico dei pronomi: spostamento a sinistra. Activity: gli italiani nel mondo. |
14 |
Assignment - minimum amount of words required: 100 |
15 |
Audio Lesson and Recording: Expressing empathy - Esprimere empatia |
16 | Revision and
Final Exam
Grammar revision: