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Bocconcino Culturale

PLEASE NOTE, this is a listening and comprehension exercise. In the following text you will find a few missing words, but... DON'T GET SCARED! :-)


Listen to the audio in Italian while reading the text (listen to it as many times as possible.) On a sheet of paper (or if you print this page), write the missing Italian words.


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Gli italiani e i viaggi aperto

Ma gli italiani sono dei grandi ._._._._._._._._._._._. ? In generale possiamo dire che gli italiani ._._._._._. la qualità della vita e, se possono, ._._._._._._._._. situazioni in cui mantenere i loro standard e non essere troppo ._._._._._._._. (questo esclude viaggi troppo avventurosi!). Tuttavia, storicamente possiamo trovare molti famosi ._._._._._._._._._._._. e viaggiatori italiani.

Are Italians real **** ? In general, we can say that Italians **** having "quality of life" and, if they can, they **** situations where they can maintain a standard quality and don't feel **** (this exclude exceedingly adventurous travels). However, historically we can find many famous Italian **** and travellers.



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Alcuni personaggi famosi sono: Marco Polo (uno dei primi ._._._._._._._._._._._. a percorrere la Via della Seta e raggiungere la Cina - 1266), Cristoforo Colombo (che "scoprì" il continente americano - 1492), Amerigo Vespucci (da cui l'America ha preso il nome - 1497), Giovanni Caboto (ufficialmente ._._._._._._._._._._._._. come il primo scopritore del nord america - 1497), Antonio Pigafetta (che accompagnò Magellano nei suoi viaggi - 1519), Giovanni da Verrazzano (esploratore del Nord America - 1524/1528), il principe Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, (primo esploratore del monte Sant'Elia in Alaska/Yukon - 1897), Umberto Nobile (esploratore artico, ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. il primo ad avere volato attraverso il Polo Nord per raggiungere l'America dall'Europa - 1926), Reinhold Messner (spesso citato come il più grande scalatore di ogni tempo, rinomato per aver compiuto l'ascesa in solitario del monte Everest senza ._._._._._._._._. supplementare - 1970/1978).

Some famous Italian travellers are: Marco Polo (one of the first **** to travel the Silk Road to China - 1266), Christopher Columbus (who "discovered" the American continent - 1942), Amerigo Vespucci (from which America derives its name - 1497), Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot, officially **** for the discover of North America - 1497), Antonio Pigafetta (who travelled with Magellano - 1519), Giovanni da Verrazzano (explorer of North America - 1524/1528), Prince Luigi Amedeo of Savoy, first one to explore the Mount Saint Elias in Alaska/Yukon - 1897), Umberto Nobile (Arctic explorer, **** the first to fly across the polar ice cap from Europe to America), Reinhold Messner (often cited as the greatest mountain climber of all time, renowned for making the first solo ascents of Mount Everest without supplemental **** - 1970/1978).



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Insomma, non tutti gli italiani sono dei grandi viaggiatori. ._._._._._._._._. , per diversi italiani, è ancora comune fare "vacanze ._._._._._._._._._._._. ", in posti esotici o poco frequentati, senza l'aiuto di un' ._._._._._._._. ma organizzandosi il viaggio da soli.
In generale, gli italiani sono ben accolti in tutto il ._._._._._. .
So, not all Italians are "great travellers". **** , for several Italians it is still common to leave for " **** trips" in exotic, not crowded places, organizing the trip by themselves without the planning of a travel **** .
In general, Italians are welcome all over the **** .



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