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  • No. of on-line asynchronous, self-paced sessions: 32 (16 per semester*)
  • No. of on-line asynchronous, self-administered lessons (with exercises and exams): 32 (16 per semester)
  • No. of on-line asynchronous, self-administered audio lessons and recordings: 12 (6 per semester)
  • No. of assignments: 16 (8 per semester)
  • No. of fixed-schedule, audio/video group classes conducted live by the teacher: 16 (8 per semester)
  • Mid-term test: 2 (one per semester)
  • Final exam: 2 (one per semester)


  • Participation in Italian cultural events or shows organized by Italian associations, Istituti di Cultura, Theatres, etc.
  • Participation in the CyberItalian student group on FB.
  • Penpal email exchange with an Italian high-school student of a Liceo Classico or Scientifico in Italy.

Due to many variables (students living in areas/countries with no Italian cultural events available, parents/countries not allowing FB access, students in the Italian high school/s not available for the pen-pal exchange, etc.) we encourage the above activities as additional practice but we cannot rely on their completion, and AP students are not penalized if they cannot accomplish them.



  • mastery of beginner and low intermediate language structures.





This course is a comprehensive study of the intermediate and advanced structures of the Italian language.


The course prepares students to demonstrate their level of Italian proficiency across the three communicative modes: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Students develop and refine their skills in writing, reading, speaking, understanding spoken Italian and interacting in Italian, and apply those skills to different contexts: geography, art (music, painting, sculpture, fashion, cinema, literature), history (Italian and Italian-American), careers, education, politics, humanism and personal growth, society, family and relationships. During the course, students develop critical thinking, make comparisons between their own culture and Italian culture, and reflect on contributions of Italians and Italian Americans to the world. Students concentrate on developing proficiency in such skills specifically in preparation for the AP Italian Language and Culture examination. The following themes “Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics” are explored in specific sessions but they also recur and are intertwined in other sessions.


This is an intensive course that requires students to practice regularly from 10 to 16 hours per week.


The course will be conducted in Italian, a part some technical instructions that will be given in English and some basic activities, particularly at the earlier stage, that present the Italian text with the English translation.


The teacher is available via email or phone/skype for questions or clarification.


Please note: in order to help students learn the language and improve their understanding of Italian culture and lifestyle, CyberItalian has revisited Collodi's story and most CyberItalian self-study lessons present a dialogue with a modern Pinocchio (Pino). Through "A Modern Pinocchio Story", the CyberItalian course helps students to learn the Italian language and culture, as well as explore their own lives and learning challenges.


PLEASE NOTE: as we are an online provider we do not offer the AP exam, we only prepare students for it. The student's school usually organizes the AP test and manages the administrative aspects of it. Please contact your school for more information about it.











Complete Lesson: i_1
Pino decides to leave for a trip around Italy.
Review agreements, prepositions and verbs, and reinforce your basic knowledge of the language before you start practicing the intermediate structures.
Activity: Italian geography.

minimum amount of words required: 250
As part of the Assignment, students have to complete the following activities with audio/visual materials and reply to questions based on those activities:
5 tips on practicing with Italian Songs
10 tips on watching movies in Italian
5 tips on listening to the Italian news

  • Uomo Vitruviano e concetti umanistici
  • Learn how to use a dictionary
  • 5 tips on practicing with Italian Songs
  • 10 tips on watching movies in Italian
  • 5 tips on listening to the Italian news
  • Optional: register in the CyberItalian student group on Facebook (students who do not wish to use their personal names on FB can use an alias.)
  • Optional: Students who do not register in the student group have to participate in one Italian cultural event per semester (at a local Italian Cultural Institute or other associations/institutions.)


Complete Lesson: i_2
Pino and Rossini in Milan. Pino begins his voyage through Italy.
Create more complex sentences. Comparatives and superlatives.

Introduce yourself, say what your preferences are and take a "personality test".
Activity: opera

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Presentazioni (introducing ourselves).
As part of the theme “Personal and Public identities” students review the presentation of Roberto Bolle, an Italian dancer worldwide known, and have to record their voice introducing themselves and giving details on their personality, what they like and they do not like, and their programs for the future.
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video: Sculptor Pinuccio Sciola - beyond the stone.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Il ruolo dell’artista nella vita contemporanea.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary. (Intermediate class schedule: Fridays at 8 PM EST or Saturdays 11 AM EST)


Complete Lesson: i_3
Pino and Hugo Pratt in Venice.
Learn to ask for assistance. Parts of the body. Reflexive verbs; irregular nouns; the partitive. Learn about the body and sport. La famosa dieta mediterranea e la ricetta di "Spaghetti con Poesia". Fai la dieta tu?... The famous Mediterranean diet and the recipe of "Poetic Spaghetti".
Activity: comics

minimum amount of words required: 250
In order to demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture, in the Assignment, students have also to give their opinion about the article “L'Unesco premia la dieta mediterranea”, they have to report their eating habits and they have to explain the importance of eating well.

  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?) in order to stimulate a conversation


Complete Lesson: i_4
Pino and Fellini in Bologna.
Learn to express doubt or make hypothesis. Meet the famous "direct pronouns". These pronouns are very helpful and used in the Italian language. They make the sentence "lighter", more elegant and more "musical". Li conosci già? Do you know them already?

Activity: cinema

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Sorpresa (expressing surprise).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Comics: Topolino.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: i_5
Pino and Leonardo in Florence.
Learn to express pleasure, regret or make an apology. Meet the famous "INdirect pronouns". Your Italian becomes more and more "light" and "musical".
Activity: fashion and design.

minimum amount of words required: 300
As part of the theme “Contemporary Life” for the Assignment students have also to make an online research about Italian geography and the Italian population (including contemporary life, statistics, stereotypes and virtues). They also compare Italian fashion with US fashion. We provide resources and activities on the subjects.

  • Optional: Following given guidelines, student gets the Italian "pen pal" contact (Italian high-school-student email) and writes a presentation of him/her self (name, town where she lives, description of town, favourite and worst places in town) asking for information and presentation from the other student.
  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: i_6
Pino and Michelangelo in Rome.
Learn to narrate and express disapproval. How to narrate (part 1): "imperfetto"; pronouns "ne" and "ci".
Activity: painting and sculpture.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Empatia (showing empathy).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the student chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Conti in famiglia.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: i_7
Pino and Saint Scolastica on Mount Majella.
Learn how to narrate and congratulate someone. Relative pronouns; pronouns after a preposition; how to narrate (part 2): trapassato prossimo.
Activity: religion.

minimum amount of words required: 300
Besides reading an article, replying to questions, practicing the formal and informal approach,  listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, students have to listen to an audio from the movie Viaggio in Italia (by Rossellini) and reply to questions.

  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: i_8
Pino and Pulcinella in Naples.
Learn to express preferences. The conditional (present and past conditional); special construction: conditional of dovere, volere, potere + infinitive.
Activity: theatre.

Mid-Term Test

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: i_9
Pino and Pirandello in Lipari.
Learn to express yourself in a concise way. Idiomatic expressions. Indefinite adjectives and pronouns; impersonal construction.
Activity: literature and poetry.

minimum amount of words required: 350

Besides reading an article, replying to questions, practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, students have to listen to an audio from the movie Una vita difficile (with actor Alberto Sordi) and reply to questions.

  • Optional: Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and describes her daily life, family, home, routines, how she dresses to go to school or to go out with friends, which religion (if any) she follows, and asks for information about the other student's daily life, etc. Students can make comparisons between Italian and US daily life, fashion and religion.
  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: i_10
Pino and Eleonora d'Arborea in Tharros.
Learn to write a letter. Learn to give commands or suggestions. Difference between written and spoken Italian. Imperative.
Activity: history.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Supporto (giving support).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video: La Grande Bellezza (preview of the movie - Oscar in 2014 for best foreign movie).
As part of the theme “Beauty and Aesthetics” students watch the preview of the movie La Grande Bellezza, and have to record their voice while they give their comment about the movie clip and about the role of beauty and aesthetics in our daily lives. Do we need them and why?
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Scambio di lettere fra Garibaldi e Speranza Von Schwartz.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: i_11
Pino and Colombo in San Fruttuoso.
Learn to make plans. Reciprocal construction; other particular constructions; special construction (stare + gerundio); adverbs.

Activity: the government system.

minimum amount of words required: 350
As part of the theme “Global Challenges” for the Assignment students have also to read an article by famous writer Roberto Saviano and reply to the following questions: do you think an artist should be involved in global issues or should only think about art? Why? We are facing many global issues such as immigration, terrorism, humanitarian crisis, illegal activities, etc. Is it necessary to be involved with these issues and why?
Students imagine meeting an Italian politician: they have to urge him to send financial and humanitarian aid to Africa, motivating their request. (Students will use the formal approach with Lei).
Students have to write to a friend and urge him to get involved with politics and global issues, motivating their request. (Students will use the informal approach with Tu).

  • Optional: Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and describes her hobbies and passions, favourite books, movies and Songs, gives a reason for those passions and asks for information about the other student's hobbies and passions, favourite books, movies and Songs and why they are the favorites. Does student read newspapers?
    Students make comparisons between Italy and the US (young people read newspapers? Watch TV? What do they do when they don't study? What do they do when they go out with friends?)
  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: i_12
True friendship.
Review what you have learned in the Intermediate Course. Use of pronouns; use of verbs.
Activity: the Italian anthem.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Congratulazioni (congratulating someone).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).

Article: Giochiamo al viaggio nel tempo
In che epoca avreste voluto vivere?

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_1
To become rich and famous. Pino is tired of being a poor boy. He wishes to be rich and famous.
Review the intermediate structures of Italian language. Meaning of pronouns; meaning of verbs.

My reasons for loving and hating Italy.
ABC of Italian style.

minimum amount of words required: 350
As part of the theme “Families and Communities” for the Assignment students have also to read an article on the current state of Italian families and listen to the audio of an interview with actress Monica Vitti talking about her mother. Students have to report their opinion and reply to questions about the current state of families in their country, possible generational conflicts, and what in their opinion is the ideal family and how it interacts with the community.

  • Optional: Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and discusses the reasons for loving her country and for wishing (if she does) to go and live abroad (permanently or for a period.)
    Students make comparisons between Italian and US trends.
  • Optional:  Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_2
Pino looks for a job and talks about it with Dante.
Learn to write a resume. "Infinito", "gerundio" and "participio"; verbs with prepositions; "diminutivi, peggiorativi".

Activity: write your resume.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Dubbi (expressing doubts).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Il nuovo italiano, da scrauso a cloud.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_3
Pino wants to be a sport champion and talks about it with Bartali.
Learn to express yourself in a concise and effective way. Verbs with pronouns. Relative pronoun "cui" + the Article.

Activity: sport and cards collection, pastimes and games.

minimum amount of words required: 350
Besides reading an article, replying to questions, practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, students have to write their own CV.

  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_4
Pino wants to be a manager and talks about it with Ferrari.
Learn to express yourself in a concise and effective way. Double object pronouns; verbs with pronouns.

Activity: statistics about Italians.



Optional: REPORT 1
Student who participated in the pen-pal exchange posts in the Class Forum a feedback on her experience about the email exchanges with the Italian high-school student

Optional: REPORT 2
Student who participated in the Italian Cultural Event and/or CyberItalian student group on FB posts in the Class Forum a feedback on her experience
and/or  her participation in the CyberItalian student group on FB.


Teacher writes overall feedback and grade on student's participation in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.
  • Grammar revision






Complete Lesson: a_5
Pino wants to be an artist and talks about it with Monnalisa.
Learn how to narrate (part 3). "Passato remoto"; "trapassato remoto".

Activity: history.

minimum amount of words required: 350
In order to provide an opportunity to make comparisons between and within languages and cultures, in the Assignment students have also to read an article with detailed statistics about Italians and life in Italy and they have to write a comparison with habits and statistics of the population in their country.

  • Optional: Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and discusses statistics about Italy from Lesson 4 activities.
    Students make comparisons between Italian and US statistics.
  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_6
Pino wants to work in an advertising agency and talks about it with Depero.
Learn to place emphasis in a sentence. Active and passive construction.

Activity: Dialects.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Consulto medico (medical advice)
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article from Treccani: Italiano e dialetto oggi in Italia.
In order to provide an opportunity to make comparisons between and within languages and cultures, in the recording students have also to include replies about the activity “Dialects” and the article “Italiano e dialetto oggi in Italia“ and make comparison with regional differences in the English language.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary. (Advanced class schedule: Fridays at 9 PM EST or Saturdays 12 PM EST)


Complete Lesson: a_7
Pino wants to be a professor and talks about it with Montessori.
Learn to refine your expressions. The subjunctive (part 1).
Activity: school in Italy.

minimum amount of words required: 350
In order to provide an opportunity to make comparisons between and within languages and cultures, in the Assignment students have also to read the article I giovani e il lavoro complete an activity about the school system in Italy and write a comparison with the situation in their own country.

  • Optional:Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and reports what she is studying, how her school is structured (is it practical, theoretical, do they have labs? etc.) and projects for her future work. Is it easy to find a job for young people in the US? What are the most common or favorite jobs?
    Students make comparisons between Italian and US schools and work situation.
  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_8
Pino wants to be a scientist and talks about it with Galileo.
Learn to maintain the language. The subjunctive (part 2).
Activity: technology and life: La segreteria telefonica.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Disapprovazione (express disapproval).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: All’ombra della scienza in fiore.
As part of the theme “ Science and Technology” students complete the activity La segreteria telefonica and read the article All’ombra della scienza in fiore. Then they record their voice while they reply to questions and create their message for an imaginary Italian voice mail.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_9
Pino wants to be a politician and talks about it with Machiavelli.
Learn to recognize different styles. Make ipothesys: if clauses.
Activity: A Secret Story (when being Italian was a crime.) Reflections on Italian immigration in the USA.

minimum amount of words required: 350
Besides reading an article on the difficulties of Italian-Americans during World War II, completing an activity on Italians in the world, replying to questions, practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, students have to make a research on Italian-American in the USA, (what were their difficulties, who are the most famous and why, what issues they face now).

  • Optional:Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_10
What will Pino do in life? He talks about it with Totò.
Learn to report a conversation. Learn to maintain the practice of the language. Direct/indirect construction.
Activity: to be a writer.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Rabbia (expressing rage).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Dieci cose per cui vale la pena vivere, di Roberto Saviano.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_11
What to do in life? Pino listens to Gino Strada.
Learn to theorize and speak in public.
Activity: Perspective and subjunctive.

minimum amount of words required:
Besides practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, writing about the song and the movie they have listened and watched the week earlier, students have to read an article about speaking in public and have to reply to questions.

  • Optional: Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and report the situation of scientific research in the US. There are many funds and universities that promote research but is it becoming dangerous with new experiments on genetics? Can science be dangerous?
    Students make comparisons between the current Italian and US situation regarding scientific research and trends.


Complete Lesson: a_12
How to be happy in life? Pino listens to Tiziano Terzani.
Review what you have learned until now and reflect upon certain words.
Activity: Raffaello and harmony.

Mid-Term Test

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_13
Your portrait: are you happy? How to find your happiness.
Language revision. Pronomi personali: lui, lei, esso, essa, egli, ella, ciò. Comparativi - uso di "più" e "di più". Collocazioni ed espressioni idiomatiche
Activity: Create your self-portrait (it can be a song, a poem, a drawing, a photo or anything that represents you in this moment).

minimum amount of words required: 350
Besides reading an article and replying to questions, practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, writing about the song and the movie they have listened and watched the week earlier, students have to create their own self-portrait (it can be a picture, a song, a poem or anything they feel it represents them) and explain it to the teacher.

  • Optional: Italian "pen pal" contact: student replies to the Italian high-school-student email and creates and explains her self-portrait (it can be a Song, a poem, a drawing, anything that represents her in this moment).
    Students compare self-portraits and give explanations for them.
  •  Optional:Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_14
Individuality and loneliness: you are not alone.
Segnali discorsivi e intercalare. Punteggiatura. Differenza fra "stare" ed "essere". Frasi principali e secondarie, struttura di testi complessi.
Activity: Italian Articles and the individual.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Disappunto (expressing disappointment).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Quando il regalo diventa un dispetto.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary


Complete Lesson: a_15
Observing one-self.
Pronomi dimostrativi e relativi - "colui, coloro, ciò", uso di "quello che", differenza fra "quello" e "che". Pronome "cui" + Article. Uso enfatico dei pronomi: spostamento a destra. Collocazioni ed espressioni idiomatiche.
Activity: sing in the mask, observe your pronunciation.

minimum amount of words required:
Besides practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, writing about the song and the movie they have listened and watched the week earlier, students have to read an article about censorship of the Internet, reply to questions and investigate the positive and negative aspects of the Internet.

  • Optional:Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_16
Italian emigration and brain drain.
Pronomi diretti e indiretti, approfondimento dei pronomi "ne" e "ci". Uso dei doppi pronomi. Verbi usati con i pronomi. Uso enfatico dei pronomi: spostamento a sinistra.
Activity: gli italiani nel mondo.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Esortazioni (encouraging people).
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Pochi ebook, ma più lettori. L'editoria elettronica non decolla, mentre cresce il numero di chi legge.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_17
The art of balance.
Revisione di tempi e modi verbali (indicativo). Forma attiva e passiva. Uso del verbo "venire" nella forma passiva. Collocazioni ed espressioni idiomatiche.
Activity: L’arte dell’equilibrio. Vivere nel presente, nel passato o nel futuro.

minimum amount of words required: 350
Besides practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, students have to read an article and watch the related video about a political speech and investigate the positive and negative aspects of democracy.
They also have to complete the activity
L’arte dell’equilibrio.

  • Optional:Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_18
Emotions and self-confidence.
Revisione di tempi e modi verbali (condizionale e imperativo). Uso del condizionale per esprimere il futuro nel passato. Italiano per il lavoro 1 (saluti, formule standard, approccio formale). Costruzione diretta e indiretta.
Activity: emozioni e fiducia in se stessi - approccio formale e informale.

Self-administered Audio Lesson (students use the Audio/Video materials we provide and have to record their comment on the song, video, Italian news and article, and reply to questions).
Pettegolezzo (gossip)
Song: (listen to song while reading lyrics/singing and complete related exercise).
Video clip provided by us or other movie the students chose to watch for the semester.
Video streaming of Italian news (from RAI news 24).
Article: Il pettegolezzo, di Umberto Eco.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.


Complete Lesson: a_19
Anger and irritation.
Revisione di tempi e modi verbali (infinito, participio e gerundio). Italiano per il lavoro 2 (congiuntivo, abbreviazioni). Differenza fra "sono contento di" e "sono contento che". Frasi ipotetiche.
Activity: qual è la tua scelta?

minimum amount of words required: 350
Besides practicing the formal and informal approach, listening to the streaming video of Italian news and choosing one to comment, writing about the movie they have listened and watched the week earlier, students have to read an article about becoming “global managers” and report their opinion (Dall'Italia in Cina con il master per diventare manager globali).
Reflections on the personal aspects students have observed during the course (happiness, balance, self-confidence, etc.) presentation of a new self-portrait and comparison with the previous one presented in session 9.

  • Optional: Student checks the CyberItalian student group on Facebook and writes one or two comments in the most interesting postings. Comments need to contain a question in order to stimulate a conversation (e.g. a sentence containing one or more of the following words: why? how? when? what? where?)


Complete Lesson: a_20
Our true nature: let's discover our potential and talents.
Forma impersonale e stile linguistico personale (gerghi e dialetti). Italiano per la pubblicità, italiano per il giornalismo. Ripasso generale e dei punti più difficili. Collocazioni ed espressioni idiomatiche.
Activity: 5 consigli per rilassarsi prima di un esame.



Optional: REPORT 1
Student who participated in the pen-pal exchange posts in the Class Forum a feedback on her experience about the email exchanges with the Italian high-school student

Optional: REPORT 2
Student who participated in the Italian Cultural Event and/or CyberItalian student group on FB posts in the Class Forum a feedback on her experience
and/or  her participation in the CyberItalian student group on FB


Teacher writes overall feedback and grade on student's participation in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class.

  • Student participates in the fixed-schedule Audio/Video group class and receives feedback and corrections as necessary.
  • Grammar revision





In Assignments and Audio Lessons with recording students have mostly to:

  • Listen to an Italian song, learn it, sing it. Present the song, report the theme of the song, what language structure/s in the lyrics they had problems with, highlight interesting passages or ask questions about certain language structures and idioms.
  • Listen to the Italian news and report their favorite news of the week with a personal comment.
  • Watch a video in Italian or a part of a movie they chose for the semester, reply to questions, write or report a comment about it.
  • Read an article from an Italian newspaper, magazine or excerpt from a book and give their opinion on the topic presented in the article.
  • Initiate a conversation with the teacher or other imaginary person, using the formal and informal register, in order to describe, explain, invite, accept, decline, decide, persuade, convince, etc.




During the course students participate in the Audio/Video group classes conducted by a teacher. They practice Italian language conversation, ask questions and discuss various subjects. Some of the subjects are proposed by the teacher, others are proposed by the students, and others spring up spontaneously during class.


Interpersonal and presentational speaking and listening tasks, as well as interpersonal and presentational writing and reading assignments alternate regularly between formal and informal settings and registers and cover a vast array of functions (describing, explaining, inviting, accepting, declining, deciding, persuading, convincing, etc.) and topics (see sessions themes).


Optional: If Italian students are available, in order to practice their Interpersonal and Presentational speaking/writing skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse and topics, AP students will also exchange emails with Italian high-school students from a Liceo classico/scientifico in Rome.


Optional: If the situation permits it, students will participate in a couple of Italian Cultural Institute activities, or MeetUp group events, or other Italian events in their area. We suggest participation in at least two events during the course and reporting a comment on the event. If students live in remote areas without the possibility of joining Italian social events, the CyberItalian student group on Facebook can replace this activity (provided parental or country permission to access Facebook.)



List of some of the sources for readings/articles/excerpts included in the course:



  • Corriere della Sera (quotidiano di orientamento di centro)
  • Il Fatto Quotidiano (quotidiano di orientamento di centro-sinistra)
  • Il Foglio (quotidiano di orientamento di centro-destra)
  • Gazzetta dello sport (quotidiano sportivo)
  • Libero (quotidiano di orientamento di centro-destra)
  • Il Manifesto (quotidiano di orientamento di sinistra)
  • L'Osservatore Romano (quotidiano del Vaticano)
  • Il Sole 24 Ore (quotidiano di finanza e economia)
  • La Stampa (quotidiano di orientamento di centro)
  • La Repubblica (quotidiano di orientamento di centro-sinistra)


  • Fratello Bancomat di Stefano Benni
  • L'Infinito di Leopardi
  • Si fossi foco di Cecco Angiolieri
  • excerpts from La lunga vita di Marianna Ucria di Dacia Maraini
  • excerpts from Fabio Volo articles and books
  • excerpts from La scrittrice abita qui di Petrignani
  • excerpts from La Divina Commedia di Dante
  • excerpts from Essere scrittore di Elio Vittorini

List of some of the sources for audiovisuals included in the course:

  • http://www.rai.it/dl/rai/news.html (audiovideo - servizio radiotelevisivo nazionale)
  • http://www.storiainrete.com/i-documentari-di-storia-in-rete/
  • http://www.treccani.it/webtv/video_enciclopedia.html?page=2
  • La Repubblica video
  • Dialetto e Lingua italiana di Camilleri
  • Il futuro della lingua italiana di Umberto Eco
  • Radio and TV advertisements
  • Interview with Gino Strada, founder of Emergency
  • Interview with journalist and writer Tiziano Terzani


List of suggested movies to be watched during the course. We suggest students to watch at least 2 movies during the course. They can choose from our selection or they can propose different movies to the teacher who will have to approve them. If students do not have the possibility to watch an Italian movie, during the course we provide short videos that students can watch:

  • L'avventura di Antonioni
  • Storia di ragazzi e ragazze di Avati
  • Johnny Stecchino di Benigni
  • Down by law con Benigni
  • Il mostro di Benigni
  • Il giardino dei Finzi Contini di De Sica
  • Ladri di biciclette di De Sica
  • Amarcord di Fellini
  • l clowns di Fellini
  • Prove d'orchestra di Fellini
  • Lo sceicco bianco di Fellini
  • La strada di Fellini
  • La dolce vita di Fellini
  • Satyricon di Fellini
  • Ginger e Fred di Fellini
  • Le notti di Cabiria di Fellini
  • Caro diario di Moretti
  • Mamma Roma di Pasolini
  • Decameron di Pasolini
  • Il postino con Troisi
  • Roma città aperta di Rossellini
  • Paisa' di Rossellini
  • Mediterraneo di Salvatores
  • Padre padrone dei fratelli Taviani
  • La notte delle stelle cadenti dei fratelli Taviani
  • Nuovo Cinema Paradiso di Tornatore


List of suggested singers and composers to listen to during the course. Students have to listen to at least 12 songs during the entire course. They can choose from our selection (we provide songs during the course) or they can propose different songs to the teacher who will have to approve them.


Pop (Musica leggera)

  • Renzo Arbore
  • Franco Battiato
  • Lucio Battisti
  • Edoardo Bennato
  • Andrea Bocelli
  • Angelo Branduardi
  • Fred Buscaglione
  • Paolo Conte
  • Lucio Dalla
  • Pino Daniele
  • Fabrizio De Andrè
  • Francesco De Gregori
  • Tiziano Ferro
  • Matia Bazar
  • Mina e Celentano
  • Gino Paoli
  • Patty Pravo
  • Laura Pausini
  • Eros Ramazzotti
  • Vasco Rossi
  • Ornella Vanoni
  • Zucchero


  • Gioacchino Rossini
  • Giuseppe Verdi
  • Mozart e Lorenzo da Ponte



Sample of the AP Course first session (including assignment and audio/video educational materials):



Sample of a self-administered audio lesson included in the course:



Sample of a self-administered lesson included in the course:

Advanced Lesson 2 - Pino cerca lavoro e ne parla con Dante
Learn to write a resume.
"Infinito", "gerundio" and "participio"; verbs with prepositions; "diminutivi, peggiorativi".
Activity: write your resume.



Midterm test and final exams are developed specifically for this AP course and will use as a model the current AP sample exam with multiple choice selections (without free responses or compositions as these skills will be assessed during the course through Assignments, Audio/Video classes and Audio Lessons).


Students will be encouraged to use the following workbook as a reference for additional exam practice: ACE the AP Italian Language and Culture Exam (3rd Edition) with Audio CDs, by Nicoletta Villa-Sella, published in 2012.



  • During the course, NO EXCUSES can be accepted for not posting or not completing ALL the required activities.
  • If students have a serious problem that prevents them from studying or participating in any activity, they have to notify the teacher immediately (the teacher might contact the parents or the school to evaluate the situation).
  • There will be no make-up exams except in extraordinary cases (e.g., illness when accompanied by a medical note, family emergency, etc.).