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CyberItalian Feedback

Please help us improving CyberItalian by sending your feedback. Your opinion is very important to us!




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1. All students - please rate the following areas:


Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
CyberItalian courses overall impression
Pronuncia (pronunciation guide and recording tool)
Audio quality (vocabulary/dialogo/bocconcini)
Support/Ask the Prof
Site design and ease of navigation


1 bis. Tutored and Private students only:


Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent
The class materials (topics/pictures/explanations etc.) were:
The teacher was:
The format of the Audio/Video classes was:
Too easy Just right Too hard
The course level was:


2. What feature of CyberItalian do you like the most?



3. What do you dislike the most (be sincere!)?



4. What Italian topics would you like to see covered in the CyberItalian courses?



5. Comments or proposals (we'll do our best to satisfy you!)