Halloween, il 31 ottobre, non è una festa tradizionale italiana, ma negli ultimi anni è diventata popolare anche in Italia: un'occasione in più per festeggiare con maschere e costumi da paura*. Per celebrare, qui a CyberItalian la cosa più spaventosa che possiamo proporti è la grammatica.
Hai paura della grammatica?!
*Nota l'espressione idiomatica "da paura" = favoloso, grandioso. |
Halloween, on October 31st, is not a traditional Italian holiday, but in recent years it has become popular also in Italy: one more opportunity to celebrate with awesome (and scary)* masks and costumes. To celebrate, here at CyberItalian, the scariest thing we can offer you is grammar.
Are you afraid of grammar?!
*Note the idiomatic expression "da paura" (scary) = fabulous, awesome. |
Allegory of Grammar from Hortus Deliciarum, 1167-1185
Latin: "Per me quivis discit, vox, littera, syllaba quid sit" =
Through me everyone learns what a
voice/expression/sentence/word, a letter, a syllable is.
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Listen to the audio below and on a sheet of paper write the Italian words missing from the following text.
Allegory of Grammar by Gentile da Fabriano, 1412
Allegory of Grammar by Laurent de la Hire, 1650
Latin: "Vox literata et articulata debito modo pronunciata" =
A written and articulated voice/expression/sentence/word pronounced in the proper manner.
Ti ._._._._._._._._. la Grammatica? ._._._._._._._._._.: ci sono anche la Morfologia e la Sintassi che hanno nomi spaventosi!
._._._._._._._. a parte, durante il ._._._._._._._._. e il ._._._._._._._._._._._._. la Grammatica era considerata una delle sette Arti Liberali. ._._._. consisteva solo in alcune ._._._._._._. da imparare ma anche nel ._._._._._._. la lingua come un insieme, ._._._._._._._._. come le ._._._._._._. potevano essere usate per ._._._._._._. effetti, rinforzare ._._._._._._._._._._._._._. e significati. Era il fondamento di ogni ._._._._._._._._._._., ricerca filosofica e ._._._._._._._. della ._._._._._.. |
Is Grammar **** you? **** : there are also Morphology and Syntax that have very spooky names!
**** apart, during the **** and the **** , Grammar was considered one of the seven liberal arts. It was **** just about learning **** , but about **** the language as a whole, **** how **** could be used **** effects, strengthening **** and meanings. It was the foundation of every **** , philosophical inquiry and **** of **** . |