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FREE Webinar and Italian Coaching Program Discount

Questo è un promemoria per ricordarti che questo sabato, 27 aprile, Maura Garau, fondatrice di CyberItalian e Coach di Lingua e Cultura Italiana, sarà online per raccontarti cosa vuol dire "scoprire la tua persona italiana", per presentare i Programmi di Coaching Italiano e per rispondere alle tue domande. Non perdere questa opportunità!

This is to remind you that this coming Saturday, April 27, CyberItalian founder and Italian Language and Culture Coach, Maura Garau, will be online to tell you more about "discovering your Italian persona", to present the Italian Coaching Programs and to answer your questions. Don't miss this opportunity!


Maura Garau, founder cyberitalian.com
Maura Garau
CyberItalian Founder and
Italian Language and Culture Coach.
See bio


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Webinar schedule - Discover your Italian Persona

Se ti interessa capire meglio cosa vuol dire "scoprire la tua persona italiana", se ti interessa approfondire la lingua e la cultura italiana, se ti interessa esplorare un percorso dentro te stesso (o te stessa), incontra Maura online sabato 27 aprile.

Segna la data sulla tua agenda!


L'incontro (webinar) si terrà in due versioni e in orari diversi:


IN ITALIANO, sabato 27 aprile, dalle 16 alle 16,45 ora italiana




IN INGLESE, sabato 27 aprile, dalle 18:00 alle 18:45 ora italiana.


Clicca qui per convertire l'ora al tuo fusorario.


Clicca qui per accedere al webinar (il video si attiverà nel giorno e ora stabiliti).

If you are interested in understanding what "discovering your Italian persona" mean, if you are interested in getting a deeper perspective of the Italian language and culture, if you are interested in taking a journey inside yourself, meet Maura online on Saturday April 27.

Mark the date on your calendar!


The meeting (webinar) will be held in two versions and at different times:


IN ITALIAN, Saturday April 27, from 4 to 4:45 pm Italian time




IN ENGLISH, Saturday April 27, from 6 to 6:45 pm Italian time.


Click here to convert the time to your timezone.


Click here to access the webinar (the video will be activated on the scheduled day and time).

Individual and Group Coaching

Per facilitare la tua presenza nei nostri Programmi di Coaching Italiano abbiamo creato due modalità di partecipazione:

il Coaching Individuale e il Coaching di Gruppo.


Scegli quello che funziona meglio per le tue esigenze.

To facilitate your presence in our Italian Coaching Programs, we have created two types of participation:

the Individual Coaching and the Group Coaching.


Choose the one that better fits your needs.


  Individual Coaching Group Coaching
8 online sessions, available 24/7 Si
Educational materials and assignments to be discussed with CyberItalian founder, Maura Garau, during the online meetings Si Si

Movie DVDs and Opera CDs with libretto

(depending on the chosen Coaching Program)


8 online 60 minute Skype meetings with Maura Garau


8 online 90 minute Audio/Video Group Classes with Maura Garau

with transcript and recording

(max. 12 participants)

Bonus: Access to all CyberItalian interactive lessons (beginner, intermediate and advanced levels) Si Si
Bonus: Access to all CyberItalian activities Si Si
Written, personalized corrections and feedback Si  
Online Progress report Si  

Lunch in Rome

Maura would like to take you for lunch at one of her favorite places in Rome.

Be our guest! If you are in Rome during the Coaching Program or later, please consider this invitation (upon availability - meeting schedule is flexible and will be discussed and arranged.)


Dal 25 aprile fino al 5 maggio, ti offriamo uno sconto del 20% sui nostri Programmi di Coaching Italiano:



$1120 (invece di $1400.)


Coaching di GRUPPO:

$290 (invece di $349.)


Non perdere questa opportunità!


ISCRIVITI QUI per beneficiare dello sconto.
Se sei già un membro di CyberItalian per favore fai un LOG IN e usa il formulario di SIGNUP/RENEWAL FORM nell'area membri.


Attenzione, lo sconto è VALIDO SOLO se ti iscrivi entro domenica, 5 maggio, 2013.

From April 25 through May 5, we are offering you a 20% discount on our Italian Coaching Programs:



$1120 (instead of $1400.)


GROUP Coaching:

$290 (instead of $349.)


Don't miss this opportunity!


SIGN UP HERE to take advantage of the discount.
If you are a CyberItalian member already, please LOG IN and use the SIGNUP/RENEWAL FORM in the members area.


Please note, the discount is VALID ONLY if you register on or before Sunday May 5, 2013.



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