San Valentino si avvicina. Sai perché l'italiano è la lingua dell'amore? Perché i suoni delle vocali italiane sono morbidi, rotondi e richiamano il canto.
Tu parli la lingua dell'amore? |
Valentine's Day is approaching. Do you know why Italian is the language of love? Because the sounds of Italian vowels are soft, round and recall singing.
Do you speak the language of love? |
Buon San Valentino!
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Pratica la lingua dell'amore con l'esercizio seguente.
Practice the language of love with the exercise below.
Every time you listen to an audio file, listen to it as many times as possible. While listening to the audio, read and repeat the text in Italian as a listening and pronunciation exercise. Repeat the exercise MANY times!
abbracciare | to embrace, hug | (Lez.i_10) |
abbraccio | hug | (Lez.a_2) |
affascinante | charming, enchanting | (Lez.i_3) |
affettuoso | affectionate | (Lez.a_2) |
affidabile | trusted | (Lez.b_3) |
amare | to love | (Lez.b_4) |
amicizia | friendship | (Lez.b_11) |
amichevole | friendly | (Lez.i_2) |
appoggio | support | (Lez.a_5) |
armonia | harmony, accord, consonance | (Lez.i_5) |
ascoltare | to listen to | (Lez.b_9) |
ascolto | listening | (Lez.a_2) |
aspettare | to wait for | (Lez.i_2) |
assaggiare | to taste | (Lez.b_6) |
audace | daring, audacious | (Lez.a_4) |
avere voglia di | to feel like | (Lez.b_9) |
avventura | adventure | (Lez.i_7) |
desidero abbracciarti | I wish to hug you |
ti amo | I love you (to say to a lover, husband/wife, fiancee, companion...) |
ti voglio bene | I am very fond of you (to say to friends, relatives) |