Imparare a memoria è uno degli scogli più duri nello studio delle lingue. Verbi, parole e strutture da memorizzare.
Hai una buona memoria? Quali sono le tue strategie per la memorizzazione? |
Learning by heart is one of the hardest aspects of language study. Verbs, words and structures to memorize.
Do you have a good memory? What are your memorization strategies? |
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Molte persone non amano sforzarsi di memorizzare. Hanno ragione! A volte memorizzare è tedioso. Tuttavia, ci sono delle tecniche che facilitano la memorizzazione. E avere una buona memoria è molto utile! Qui ci sono 8 consigli:
Many people do not like to force themselves to memorize. They are right! Sometimes memorizing is tedious. However, there are techniques that facilitate memorization. And having a good memory is very useful! Here are 8 tips:
Nel testo seguente, lo scrittore, autore e presentatore Fabio Volo parla dell'imparare a memoria. Cosa dice? |
In the following text, the author, actor and anchorman Fabio Volo talks about learning by heart. What is he saying? Is it possible to "know a person by heart"? |
- "...A me, per esempio, piace conoscere una persona a memoria."
- "No, non parlo di routine o monotonia, ma di sapere a memoria una persona. Non so come spiegartelo, è come quando studi le poesie a scuola, in quel senso intendo a memoria."
- "Questa non l'ho capita."
(Il giorno in più di Fabio Volo) |
- "... For example, I like to know a person by heart."
- "Why knowing a person by heart? And routine? Monotony? What's so interesting in it?"
- "No, I'm not speaking of routine or monotony, but of knowing a person by heart. I do not know how to explain it to you, it's like when you study poems in school, in that sense I mean by heart."
- "I don't get this."
- "Come on, like a poem. Do you know how in English you say to memorize? By heart, with the heart ... Even in French they say par coeur... here we go, in this sense I mean ... Knowing a person by heart means , like when you repeat a poem, taking some of the rhythm that belongs to it: a poem, like a person, has its own rhythm, so knowing a person by heart means to synchronize the beats of your heart with hers, let yourself be permeated by his rhythm... Here is what I like... I like to love a person and know her by heart like a poem ..."
(One more day by Fabio Volo) |