Italian press against Berlusconi

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Yesterday night Italians watched a very sad show on TV.

Mr. Berlusconi, in a one-man show, called Italian journalists “farabutti” (rogue, dishonest), for criticizing him and the government. Saturday September 19 there will be a big march in Rome, in favour of the Italian press and freedom of speech.

Check here for the latest comments on foreign magazines about Italy and Mr. Berlusconi.

Check the final outcome in the lawsuit involving The Economist and Berlusconi (guess who won!)

Conversation at the restaurant

Being a waiter in Italy can be a well-rewarded profession, with a long-term contract. In Italy waiters have their salary so you are not obliged to leave a tip; however, la “mancia” is certainly appreciated and it is definitely a nice thing to give if the waiter provides a good service. Many restaurants are family owned, so for them offering a high quality service is very important (often the waiter is the owner of the place or a relative).

To practice Italian this week I invite you to read and watch a video…

Italian Women Rise Up

Buongiorno a tutti! After a magic and relaxing day at the beach, waiting for the sunset to  express a wish as soon as the sun disappears, and waiting for the shooting stars for more wishes to express, I am back to reality.

I want to share with you an interesting article by Chiara Volpato, published on the New York Times.

Let’s see if, after the sunset and the shooting stars, all the wishes become reality!

Tombola in Trevignano

What about an entire village playing “Tombola” (Bingo) at night in the main square?

That’s what happened in Trevignano the other night. Everybody sitting in the bar, or on the sidewalk, or on the street benches, road closed to cars, everybody checking their numbers, talking with friends, relaxing.

It takes a whole village to raise a child. It takes a whole village to live with quality.

The human touch we need in our life.

Buon proseguimento!