

Find here a list of Frequently Asked Questions about our method and courses, about the registration and about the technical requirements.

Are you one of those who never read instructions?!

FAQ about the CyberItalian courses

How long is the study?

Each of our online lessons provides enough material to practice and study for about 3/4 hours or more. The successful completion of each Self-Study Course level (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced) should take you at least from 30 to 40 hours.

We recommend that you complete each Self-Study Course level in about 2 and half months (and no more than 3-4 months) to avoid long breaks between the lessons. This means studying about 1 lesson per week (including all the activities, practice, audio listening, pronunciation practice and recording, grammar studies and exercises). Some lessons may take you longer than others.

The Tutored Courses last 8 weeks.

The 1to1 Private lessons are geared toward the educational needs of the student and it is up to the student to decide when they want to start or stop their personalized instruction. A teacher is always available to advise the student about their educational goals, to assess the progress and to discuss the structure of their studies. The minimum recommended time for the Private Lessons is 6 hours (a 6 lessons package).

PLEASE NOTE: If you are looking for a course for middle or high school students click here.

How fast can I learn?

There is no average time for learning a language because it always depends on the needs and will of the student. Each of us has a different learning and acquisition time.

Who will be teaching me?

CyberItalian professors and teachers are native speakers of Italian, with an Italian university B.A. or B.A. and M.A., highly qualified professionals dedicated to the promotion of the Italian language and culture.

If you have any doubt or questions regarding your studies, you are not alone!
With CyberItalian you can always contact a professional teacher, ask questions, and find the answers to your questions.

What is Pinocchio doing in CyberItalian?


Pinocchio is a character created in 1881 by Italian writer Carlo Collodi. This wooden puppet is very famous.

"The Adventures of Pinocchio" is one of the most famous books in Italy and in the world.

The Walt Disney animated movie, based on Collodi's novel, was a great success.

But Pinocchio is more than a puppet: he is a restless spirit who represents the idea of 'personal growth' at all levels (including intellectual and emotional).

Personal growth is a very important factor in any learning process.

In order to help you learn the language and improve your understanding of the Italian culture and lifestyle, CyberItalian has revisited Collodi's story.

Through "A Modern Pinocchio Story", the CyberItalian courses will help students to learn the Italian language and culture, as well as explore their own lives and learning challenges.

  • In the CyberItalian Beginner lessons, Pinocchio (Pino for friends) realizes that his good friends, the Cat and the Fox, are not very good friends. But what is friendship after all? Students learn how to introduce themselves or their family members, express opinions, describe objects, places or situations, order at the restaurant, prepare a famous Italian dessert (Tiramisù), ask for directions, make a phone call, book a hotel room, go shopping, use the past simple, sing in Italian and much more.
  • In the CyberItalian Intermediate lessons, Pino and his conscience Grillo Parlante (Talking Cricket) travel around Italy, meet very famous Italian people (Fellini, Rossini, Michelangelo, Leonardo...) and ask them what friendship is. Students learn more about Italian culture and become familiar with Italian topics such as opera, art, cinema and others. They learn how to express their opinions better, how to understand more complex sentences, make comparisons, narrate, write a letter, use the future tense and much more.
  • In the CyberItalian Advanced lessons, Pino wants to grow up and become rich and famous even though he doesn't know what to do in life. But what is life after all? Students follow Pino in his job search, where he meets other very famous Italian people (Dante, Ferrari, Galileo...) and asks them how to find a good job and how to become rich, famous and happy. Students learn more and more about Italian culture, through authentic material. They learn how to write a resume, how to express hypotheses, how to perfect and maintain the language, how to use the subjunctive and much more!

How do I know if I am able to study online?

Sign Up for FREE and take a FREE Trial Self-Study Lesson to check if you like studying online:

1. Access the Self-Study trial Lessons
2. Listen to the dialogues
3. Record your voice as you speak in Italian
4. Practice your listening and comprehension skills in the Cultural Tidbit
5. Have fun with the Activities
6. Get an in-depth study with the Grammar, Exercises and Exam

Can I have a free trial?


Sign Up for free so your can access the Trial Lessons NOW

How old do I have to be to use CyberItalian?

CyberItalian Online Self-Study lessons are for all ages.

Teens and Adults: CyberItalian lessons address students with different learning needs offering playful and fun activities as well as analytical and grammatical explanations and exercises.

TAKE our FREE TRIAL lessons: discover your learning approach, relax and enjoy your study online.

Pre-teens: CyberItalian encourages parents to participate in their child's experience in cyberspace. Our lessons offer two approaches to learning and practicing the Italian language:

1) activities, songs, sounds, and exposure to the language and culture
2) grammar, explanations, analysis, exercises, and exams.

We think that a child should be exposed mostly or exclusively to the first approach; for best results, the child should practice Italian and enjoy the site with a parent or teacher. Here is a list of fun things you can do on CyberItalian (a child might need your help for certain things):
1) Listen to the audio files provided in the lessons. Read aloud a passage from an audio file and compare the pronunciation to the original audio file.
2) Songs are one of the best ways to practice the language and pronunciation. Listen to the songs in lessons 5 and 7 and record as you sing.
3 ) Do the activities in the Activity area of each lesson. Print, cut, play, follow the instruction...
4) Do especially the activity in lesson 1 (the puzzle of Italy), 2 (the house), 3 (describe yourself and your friends), 4 (say what you like or you don't like to do), 5 (singing), 7 (the weather), 8 (the body), 10 (clothing). Again, in these activities you are asked to listen to the sound of certain words; listen, repeat and compare your pronunciation to the original file.

As for all of us (children, adults, and puppets!), the secret to learning is: exposure, practice, and repetition.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are looking for a course for high-school or middle-school students check here.

Will I obtain a certificate?

  • Self-Study Course:

The nature of a Self-Study online course does not allow to check the student's identity and evaluate his/her study; for this reason an online certificate would not give appropriate credit to the level of your linguistic competence.

  • Tutored Courses:

Upon successful completion of a course, students receive the CyberItalian Certificate of Participation.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are looking for a course for high-school students check here. We do not issue transcripts.

  • 1to1 Private Lessons:

Upon successful completion of at least 1 package of 6-private-lessons, and upon request, students can receive the CyberItalian Certificate of Participation.

Please note: If you want to obtain a language proficiency certification officially recognized by the Italian government, you have to take the CELI exam (provided by the University of Foreigners of Perugia) or CILS exam (provided by the University of Foreigners of Siena). These exams can be taken in Italy (at the Universities for Foreigners of Perugia or Siena) or outside of Italy (at the Italian Cultural Institutes available in more than a hundred cities in different countries). Other universities are now offering official certifications.

How does CyberItalian grade students?

In the self-administered exercises included in the Lessons, students receive an automatic score based on the percentage of correct answers. For educational purposes, these self-administered exercises can be taken several times (in this case, each time the student will have to re-enter the entire text in the exercise - which makes it a very good practice) the latest score of each exercise will be recorded over the previous one.

In the self-administered exams included in the Lessons, students receive an automatic score based on the percentage of correct answers only the score of the first time you take the exam will be recorded.

In the 8-week Tutored Course the Final Exam is automatically scored based on the percentage of correct answers. Assignments are not graded. Students receive written corrections and feedback from the teacher. Participation in the audio-video group classes is not graded.

If you are looking for Italian Tutored Courses for high school and middle school students, with grades for each activity, please check here.

Where do I see my scores?

Log in and see My Courses, with the scores for the exercises and exams for each lesson. A green check mark will show if you have completed all exercises and exams for each lesson.

FAQ about Registration

Is it safe to register online?


CyberItalian online registration transaction is secure and encrypted (see full key or lock at the bottom of the registration page plus the SSL Web Server Certification).

The information you provide are confidential and unavailable to third parties.

Is my privacy protected?

Privacy Policy: CyberItalian is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its Users. Throughout cyberspace, CyberItalian wants to contribute to provide a pleasant and safe environment for consumers. CyberItalian does not disclose information that you may give us, such as your name, address, email address, or telephone number, to any third parties. All payment information are encrypted and managed by the credit card processor (CyberItalian staff and employees do not have access to payment information.)

I do not have a credit card. How do I pay?

You can pay with PayPal.

I am a teacher. Can I register my school/university?

YES! Check here for more information.

Are my fees refundable if I wish to cancel?


Your purchase is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee*. We want you to be happy with our work. We've put a lot of work into creating what we feel is an extremely good and complete Italian language learning method online. We're proud of what we do, and we work hard to make you happy. We know that CyberItalian method delivers results and will help you learn Italian. However, if you decide within 30 days of purchase that CyberItalian is not right for you, we’ll refund 100% of your money for the self-study course, and 100% of your money for the package of private lessons or tutored course, minus the cost of any private or tutored class or written assignment's corrections that you might have already received. *Please note: the refund policy for our courses for schools is different and can be discussed during or before registration.

You can buy with complete peace-of-mind!

How do I cancel my subscription?

Go to MY PROFILE area and contact us to request a cancellation.

Any Legal Notices and Privacy Policy?

YES! Click here.

For which course should I sign up?

If you have never studied Italian (even if you understand it a little or you used to speak it as a child), you should start with a beginner course.

Otherwise take a Placement Test

FAQ about the Website and Technical Requirements

I can't log in. Why?

Problems with the access to the site may be due to:

  • a temporary failure of the lines or connection (in this case try again later)
  • an incorrect insertion of username and password. Keep in mind that username and password are CASE SENSITIVE and you have to enter them exactly as you entered them in the registration form (paying attention to capital letters!)

If you receive a server error clear the cookies on your browser and try again.

If you are using an iPhone or iPad and cannot log in or receive a server error:

  1. close all browser windows, in particular the CyberItalian one
  2. go to iPhone or iPad Settings (from home screen)
  3. select your browser (please make sure you are not using Safari but Chrome or Firefox)
  4. clear History AND clear Cookies
  5. open your browser again, go to CyberItalian and log in

If the problem continues, please use the Contact Us form (select technical support) and send a detailed report of the problem you are experiencing, along with your browser and system type.

Forgot username and/or password?

Select LOG IN and 'Forgot Password?'. A message will be sent to your e-mail (the one you inserted in the CyberItalian form when you registered).

I can't sign up. Why?

Problems with the online registration may be due to:

  • incompatibility between your browser and our encrypted registration form (in this case, if you can, try using a different computer or Contact Us.)
  • busy lines or connections (if lines or connections are slow or busy, the payment transaction may be discontinued and the registration canceled. In this case, please try to register later).

The Internet requires some patience at times! If you still cannot register online, contact us. Before you register with us, make sure you can use CyberItalian with your computer system: TAKE a FREE TRIAL lesson.

Technical requirements?

  • Basic requirements

To enjoy CyberItalian you need a computer or smartphone with Internet access. Minimum Internet connection speed required to access the site is 56K. Broadband recommended.

CyberItalian can be used with most browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera) on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IOS.

We suggest you TURN OFF the auto-translate feature for Italian language.

CyberItalian can be used also on smartphones (iPhone or any Android phone).

On smartphones we suggest you switch off auto-correct and predictive check spelling when entering Italian text in the exercise fields.


  • To participate in the Audio-Video group classes (AV classes)

The following are the minimum system requirements needed to attend the Audio-Video classes in our Tutored Courses:

For Windows Systems:

  1. Windows 10 or later
  2. Google Chrome, Windows Edge or Firefox


For Mac Systems:

  1. Any Mac OS
  2. Google Chrome or Firefox


For All Systems:

  1. Fast Internet connection
  2. Headset/Microphone combination
  3. The webcam is optional



  1. To get the most out of your AV class, you need a headset with microphone, so you can hear well and you can be heard well.
    If you use a microphone embedded in your computer make sure it works well and you are in a quiet room with no background noises in order not to disturb the class.
  2. During the class, the teacher might use a cobrowsing system to show the educational materials. In this case the teacher will post a link in the text chat. Please click on the link to open the educational material in your browser. This means that you will have to have both the class material window and your browser window open. Please: close all other programs you may have opened in your computer in order to minimize conflict. A wider computer screen might help in switching between the class material window and the browser window, or in keeping them open side by side. If you are using a tablet or phone you might have some difficulties switching from the class material window to the browser window. If you can, please use a wider screen.


  • To participate in the 1to1 Private Lessons

The following are the minimum system requirements needed to attend the 1to1 Private Lessons:

For Windows Systems:

  1. Windows 10 or later
  2. Google Chrome, Windows Edge or Firefox


For Mac Systems:

  1. Any Mac OS
  2. Google Chrome or Firefox


For All Systems:

  1. Broadband Internet connection
  2. Headset/Microphone combination
  3. The webcam is optional

How do I listen to the audio?

On CyberItalian you find 2 types of audio:

The first type, (that you can find in all lessons and in some of the activities), requires you to click on the "speaker" button.

Audio icons

You can slow-down the audio by clicking on the little snail while the audio is playing.

The second type, (that you can find in some of the activities), requires you to click on a drawing or word so the audio will start automatically

Record and check my pronunciation?

After you listen to the audio, click on the microphone:

audio and microphone icons

The pronuncia window will open up and you'll be able to record your voice, listen to your recording and compare it with the CyberItalian audio. 

  • Please note: Chrome allows you to check your pronunciation, while with other browsers you can only record and listen to your recording.

pronunciation icon

How do I write Italian accented characters?

When you do the exercises in our Lessons, for certain words you need to use the Italian accented characters, otherwise the system cannot recognize your answer as correct.

Here are the Italian accented characters: "à, è, ì, ò, ù" (as in: caffè, università, più, etc.) or "é" (as in: perché).

English keyboards are different from Italian keyboards, and do no show the keys with the Italian accented vowels.

With Android or iPhone generally the keyboard gives all possible accent options.

If you need to write Italian accents with your computer or tablet keyboard, use one of the following options:

1. Use an editor for Italian accented characters


2. Windows users - add the International keyboard: in this way you configure the computer so a small transparent window sits in the task bar that allows you to switch back and forth between the English and International keyboard. When you want to use accented letters just switch to the International keyboard. Then, if you want to type an accented letter you press the appropriate accent key and then the letter.

For example:

` + e = è


' + e = é

You can just leave the International keyboard on all the time. It will create some minor nuisances when you type certain punctuation marks. For example, in order to type [ ' ] you press [ ' ] then spacebar.

Mac users - OPTION key: when you want to add a letter with a symbol in just about any Mac OS X application, hold down the Option key and press the appropriate symbol key. Release the keys and type the letter you want to receive the symbol. Take "perché" — you type p, e, r, c, h, then press Option-E (to get the right-leaning acute accent), then e. As in most of these combinations, the acute accent key command is linked to the letter most likely to need the symbol in question — in this case, the letter e. But if you need to type the Italian limóne, say, you press Option-E, then o.

The left-leaning (grave) accent is simple to remember, because it has its own key: the ` above the Tab key. Just press Option-`and then the target letter: "Eccola là"!

Need to type a capital letter with an accent? Just press Option plus the appropriate key for your symbol, then press Shift as you type the letter you want. For example, to type Évian-les-Bains, use Option-E followed by a capital E.


3. Copy and paste from here: you can go back to the oldest and simplest method and copy the Italian accented vowels from here or from our lessons, and then paste them in the exercise field:
à, è. ì, ò, ù, é. À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù, É.

How do I join the AV group class?


If you are taking a Tutored Course, you can participate in the audio-video group classes.

You will find instructions on how to join the AV classes in your online sessions.

The classes are divided by level (yellow = beginner, green = intermediate, light blue = advanced).

You can participate in all audio-video group classes of your level, unless the teacher recommends otherwise (the teacher could ask a student to change level if they need to reinforce their comprehension and speaking skills or if they need to be in a faster paced class).

Classes last 50 minutes.

In the audio-video class students and teacher discuss various subjects. Some of the subjects are proposed by the teacher and the educational material is available via a co-browsing system. Other subjects are proposed by the students, and others spring up spontaneously during the class. Participants receive corrections and explanations when necessary. Questions, interesting facts and any other discussion material are welcome.
As a pre-listening and pre-speaking exercise before the class, please prepare one or two Italian sentences you would like to say (to form the sentences you can use the educational material you have completed so far).

Please note: participation in the AV classes is optional. We do not record the AV classes because we found out during the years that students prefer not to be recorded. Some of them are very shy about their Italian pronunciation/speaking/understanding skills. These are delicate psychological aspects; we want to provide students with a comfortable and relaxed place to practice their Italian skills, without the feeling that they will be recorded.