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Activity: Listen and Test

I proverbi sono un modo per memorizzare strutture linguistiche e parole nuove. Imparare alcuni proverbi italiani ti aiuterà a capire meglio la lingua.


Conosci i seguenti proverbi?


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Proverbs are a way to memorize language structures and new words.

Learning some Italian proverbs will help you understand the language better.


Do you know the following proverbs?


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Arcimboldo: imperatore Rodolfo come Vertumno
Proverbio: una ciliegia tira l'altra
(one cherry leads to another)

Vertumno by Arcimboldo, 1590


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Italian proverbs II (listening exercise)

I proverbi seguenti sono inclusi nelle lezioni di CyberItalian, forse li hai già ascoltati.

Puoi riascoltarli ora e inserire le parole mancanti?

Ricordi il significato di ogni proverbio?

The following proverbs are included in CyberItalian lessons; perhaps you have already heard them.

Can you listen to them now and fill in the missing words?

Do you remember the meaning of each proverb?


1. Listen to the following proverbs.

2. In your Italian notebook, write the missing word for each proverb.

3. If you need use the dizionario.

4. Click on "Pinocchio-risposte" for answers and translation.


Proverbio lezione principianti b_9
________ semina ________ frutti



CyberItalian MP3



Proverbio lezione principianti b_7
Volere è ________



CyberItalian MP3



Proverbio lezione principianti b_4

________ i gusti ________ gusti



CyberItalian MP3




"Clicca" su Pinocchio-Risposte:
per le risposte


e-Learning with a Heart: Take Italian lessons online!


Tutored CoursesSelf-Study Courses for independent students: available online 24 hours a day so you can log in and study anytime from anywhere. More...


Tutored CoursesTutored Courses if you need a structured and guided study: learn with the guidance of a tutor, get written correction and personalized feedback. More...


Private Lessons1to1 Private Lessons for a custom developed course conducted by a dedicated teacher via an interactive audio/video chat service. More...



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